Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Man is an Island

Thank you for the comments, Colleen, they are helping me feel less isolated.

The deer come to the meadow every day. There are 3 families and all of the fawns are getting big. I have not seen the coyote for a few weeks, but it's funny, Dad has never seen the coyote so much, never seen a bobcat, and never had deer regularly in the meadow. The feral cat did not run away the other day when he saw me go out, and Dad has never seen that either. I'm now waiting for a bird to land on my shoulder and to suddenly break into song.

Just in case you didn't believe me, here is Cruiser trying to be forgiven. Spit is really making him work for it.

The next enlightenment topic is Mercy, here is part of the segment from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice,

And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice.

When a person is truly powerful, they will have less need to display power through authority and the more they will display power through mercy. Be compassionate and be just.

Then the topic, Oneness, Meditation XVII by John Donne,

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.

This reminds me of the movie, About a Boy. Hugh Grant tries really hard to be an island, and the film has the same message, but not so morbid. When difficult things happen to me and I cannot find a reason why, I like to remember that I am not the center of the universe and that maybe am part of someone else's lesson. I am not an island.

I should have titled yesterday, Laziness. Today I need to get things done. So far this morning, I made an appointment to take the car in for service before my trip and I printed out the supplemental questions for the 2 human services job posts in Boise. These always take a long time to write, so I write them first and then paste them into the application. This also means I have old answers I can reuse and believe me, I get to do this all the time. I revised my address on the application to the new address in Boise. They are not going to send me mail, but this makes me look local. I figure Idaho does not want to help California's unemployment rate, they want to help their own.

Finished one study and started another one this morning. Once that is done, no more painting until I am in Boise. I will miss it. I miss my books already, in some of them there are pieces I think are better than in Wisdom of the Ages, so I started a non-fiction reading list to my blog. I also miss my Life Recovery Bible, although I only read the recovery parts.

At the end of my soul retrieval, I left an offering and I chose an orange. I brought it as part of the ritual, but Dave said I should leave an offering. I said, But Dave this is a really good orange, part of a good batch I bought and the others were perfect and sweet. Dave said, Then it will make it an especially good offering. Today I am going to go back up to the spot, leave another perfect orange, and ask for a safe trip to Boise.

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