Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Boise Housing Trip

The most direct way to get to Boise from here is to fly out of Oakland. The closest direct flights are out of Oakland or Las Vegas, from everywhere else I have to stop in Oakland or Vegas anyway. San Jose had flights to Boise, but that saves me 40 minutes of driving so I can spend a few more hours on an indirect flight. So, I have a 4 hour drive to Oakland ahead of me and then a just over 1 hour flight to Boise. Flight is at 6:45 pm, so I'm leaving here about 1 pm. Same thing on Thursday, flight leaves Boise at 6:45 pm, I arrive in Oakland at 7:30 and then drive back to Dad's. (Boise in on Central time and is an hour ahead of California.)

I still have to pack, but I have all my house hunting materials together. I'm thinking that the people I've talked to in Boise about rentals do not have the same sense of urgency that I do and that maybe Boise is more laid back, which was the point of me moving there, so I might as well get used to it and relax a bit myself. Welcome to Boise, now relax and slow down. I did find a rental 20 minutes south of Boise, 900 square feet with a workshop on 2 acres, but I'm thinking I am too new to Idaho to be that isolated, and I've learned about my problems with isolation while I've been here at Dad's. Someday I would like to live on 2 acres, but not somewhere where I don't know anyone.

Painted this morning when I got up. This starts my day off better. I will have time for one more cats out before I go, then they are inside with Dad feeding them for two days. I take my walking stick with me when I go out with them and feel like Little Bo Peep herding cats. You know what they say about herding cats? Mine are actually pretty good, every once in a while they get scared and come running back to me for reassurance, like little kids, but otherwise it is pretty boring. I miss the days when I could send the kids out to play while I did something else. Spit spotted a pocket gopher peeking out of a hole and ran over and stuck her whole arm down the hole after it and then stared at the hole in readiness for forever. This is entertaining for me for about 3 minutes. I am obviously still learning how to relax. Why is it that I always need to be multi-tasking?

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