Monday, August 9, 2010


My future landlord sent me an approval email last night at 9 pm, which I did not see until this morning. I figure he stalled all weekend and did not get another offer, so approved me. Funny, after stewing and worrying about it all day yesterday, and trying to come up with a back-up plan, my first thought is, why didn't anybody else want it? What's wrong with it? I am just not used to things working out well or getting what I want. It's made me suspicious.

Dad and I never made it to the movies yesterday, so I cooked dinner and we watched the next episode of Mad Men, which fortunately for us is on earlier here. My cats are not damaged by their brush with Sophie and are still trying to rush the door, although now they do not go far from the house. They both zeroed in on a gopher hole this morning, which looked back filled when I checked, but then I could hear scratching as if the gopher was filling in the hole at that moment. Sophie and I play keep away every night, she is very funny and jumps and hops more like a deer than a dog. Sophie is going to miss me. I worked on the painting of Hazel and am finishing it up today. I have room on the paper with Hazel for 2 more studies, so I hope to do these and then I have to give Dad his studio back.

I called the Oakland Airport and got the name of the shuttle driver who watched over me and an address so I can send a thank you and let her know I got home safely. It took calling several numbers before I found someone at the Boise Dollar Rent a Car who had my keys. She will send them UPS today. UPS ground was free, otherwise I have to pay for shipping, and they should be here by Saturday if she really sends them today. I did not give her hard time today, she still has my keys, but this is the person I left 2 messages for and who did not call me back. She's not getting a thank you letter.

I checked the Idaho government jobs website today, and there are 2 program specialist jobs that are posted that require my exact experience that I will apply for this week. (Both related to the Food Stamps program, $18.73 to $27.55 per hour, for my Ventura County readers.) This is not the job I want, I just want to be a painter, but I will try to get interviews anyway, meet some more people in Boise, and keep an open mind.

I still have much to do before I leave next week, but I get to relax and enjoy it for now.

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