Thursday, August 26, 2010

My stuff is here!

The movers were due today between 1 and 3 and showed up just after 1. I'm not sure how they got that 18 wheeler onto my street, but they did. They were a couple my age that live in Washington State. They were not liberals. They moved one of Obama's Czars to Washington DC, they said he was so creepy that sometimes they had to get up and leave and that the couple had no family pictures, only Obama, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King. Both movers both worked like machines while I checked off box numbers and I liked them. They got two flat tires in Oregon and were cussed out by the woman they are delivering to tomorrow, so they were having a terrible week, and I hope today I was nice enough to them that their week was better, at least for today.

It was supposed to get up to 103 degrees today and I'm not sure it made it, but it was hot and it rained a few times. It was beautiful cloud weather, but I mostly missed it with moving. Tomorrow it is back into the 80's.

While the movers were here, Idaho Health and Welfare called me for an interview. I am feeling lucky for a change. I am now sitting at a desk, but need to unpack. More tomorrow.

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