Thursday, September 23, 2010

One Month Anniversary

As of last Tuesday night, I have been here for one month. I feel like I am drifting and unfocused lately, but maybe a review will help. Only a month ago I was recovering from two days of driving with two crying cats. I was sleeping on the floor in an almost empty house and wondering when and if my stuff would arrive. I was eating peanut butter sandwiches or eating out because I did not have a pot or pan or dish or silverware. I was in Starbucks every day because I did not have Internet at home.

In a month, I went on three interviews and completed three tests for two jobs, even though they were for the same organization. (I have not heard about the second one, by the way, waiting to hear is probably some of the reason for my lack of focus.) I met a SCORE councilor and learned what I need to do, at least legally, to start a business in Idaho.

My stuff arrived and is mostly put away and hung up on the walls. The landlord did a poor job of getting the place ready for me and I did some house fixing, like touch up paint, re-programming the automatic sprinklers, adjusting the sprinkler that was watering the back door and creating a puddle on the floor every morning, putting in a sink drain stopper, and straightening out the dryer vent, which was crunched closed against the wall. The first time I used the dryer the inside smelled like gas. This usually means the dryer is not venting to the outside, so I pulled it out and the ducting was crunched flat and full of lint. Fortunately, I was able to crunch it round again rather than buying new ducting, but clogged ducting can cause a fire. I bought things like a broiler pan and a furnace filter. I learned that my landlord is lazy, but willing to reimburse me rather than doing it himself, and that I am a better handyman than the one that he employs.

I learned to leave some things unfinished or less than perfect. I learned to ignore the nail in the wall above the stairwell that I cannot reach to pull out or hang something on without an extension ladder that I have, but not in Idaho. I already knew that I use home improvement projects to avoid things that I am afraid of or uncomfortable with, but now I get to practice having a house and not using that avoidance tactic.

I built up the pantry again and started my emergency food supply. I could now eat for three months without going to the grocery store. I learned where the stores I need are and about getting around in Boise. I am still learning about one way streets and I still feel a moment of panic every time I drive down a two way street with cars parked the wrong direction on the wrong side of the street. Am I going the wrong way on a one way street?!

As far as painting, I only finished two studies in a month. I did stock up on art supplies and research display options, framing versus matting and covering in a poly bag, and found a decent framer. I printed some business cards and some promo cards and memorized my address, although I still cannot remember my new phone number.

I met some people and already have a new best friend in Boise and places I go where people know my name and some of my story. I went out to dinner twice with people I just met. I met three of my neighbors. I learned how to meet people and that some of my trouble with new people has to do with my ego, they do not already know how important I am, and with having an agenda, like my disappointment when the painter at the art fair was so unfriendly.

Every day I am grateful for my living environment. For that reason alone I am glad I moved and feel like I made a good choice. I can't believe my good fortune and how much I enjoy having no common walls, a yard, and a garage. It is mostly so peaceful here. I love my studio set up, the clean air, and the long morning and evening light.

Wow, I guess that sounds like pretty much. I feel better. I am worried about money and having an income and that worry can be disabling. Oh yea, I remember, fear is an evil and corroding thread. The goal for the next month is to be more disciplined, to paint more and take more forward steps and to worry less.

I have a feeling everything is just going to work out.

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