Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Interview

I have no idea how my interview yesterday went. It was supposed to be at 1:30, but was at 2 pm, which was their mistake. So I was 45 minutes early. There was a 1/2 hour interview and a 1/2 hour test.

The interview was with 3 people, a manager and 2 underlings, including the person (I think) that got the other job. The manager talked most of the time about the job. She asked how I felt about presenting to the legislature. I said I would love it. I threw in something about liking a challenge. There was stuff about why I was interested in the job, how I felt about working with many different people and changing hats all the time, am I organized? There were no set questions with people writing the answers like last time. The manager seemed like a disorganized, scattered person, so I could see that she needed someone more focused. I did not get to talk much, so I did not get to sell myself much, which is why I don't know how it went.

The test was writing a summary and recommendation from a 3 page policy letter. This wasn't hard, but 1/2 hour was a bit short and I was getting hungry.

Then there is another writing test due Monday at 5 pm. This is a policy recommendation on proposed changes due to budget cuts. It is a tough question and I am glad I have more than a 1/2 hour. Right now I am a bit annoyed at having to do another test, since the last one did not get me a job, so today I am going to work on changing my attitude.

After the interview I went and lost my argument with the dry cleaner. Read the fine print, there are extra costs for lining, fabric type, bla, bla, bla. Why would I buy something where the price is determined arbitrarily after the work is done? She didn't get it and I said I won't be back. She sends everything out, that's the problem, next time I'm looking for "plant on premises." I am continually amazed at how service has gone way down as unemployment has gone way up.

I did not eat much lunch before my interview and then it was later than it was supposed to be, so by the time I finished the interview and the test and dry cleaner argument I had a big headache and was really irritated. Then I took a look at the 2nd test, read it enough to be able to ponder the topic for a while, had enough and went out.

I had coffee and dinner in Hyde Park with my new best friend, Mary Kay. She appears to have decided to be my friend and is an easy person to like. She has a great purple cruiser bike, model name is Karma, with a cool leather stamped seat and she is a nurse. Dinner was on an outside patio and good and cheap. Hyde Park is having a street fair this weekend that started last night, so there were people everywhere. A band started playing in the street next to the restaurant and it got loud, but the street was full of dancing 4 and 5 year old kids as we left which was pretty cute.

I'm not sure I will go back for the street fair, since I got enough of crowds last weekend and I am still having issues with parking and one way streets, but maybe tomorrow. Today is painting day.

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