Friday, May 20, 2011


Thank God it's Friday! Wow, I have not said that in a long time. The week got easier and I was not so tired at work as the week progressed, but I still have no energy when I get home. I received the reject email from Parks and Recreation and it made a depressing end to a long week.

I went on a tour to meet everyone at my new work on Tuesday afternoon. I felt bad going on my tour while I was dreaming about the Parks and Rec job. Everyone seems happy and everyone likes their job. There seems to be very little gossip and the atmosphere is pretty nice and comfortable. At least that is different. I am in a cubicle, but most people have individual offices and almost everyone has a window. There are atriums in the middle of the building, so it is easy to take a break and sit outside and get some sun. The one month new girl was promoted from the front desk and the week old new girl was an internal transfer and I am lucky to have this job as a stranger off the street.

I came home to the reject letter from the City of Boise, I was not chosen to do a traffic box.

Tuesday night I went to a workshop after work on the legal side of being an artist. It was a bit tough to get myself there by 5:30, but it was only an hour and a half. I learned that the My Free Copyright that I have on my blog is absolutely useless and that as soon as I post artwork on Facebook I loose my rights to the work. I can submit a portfolio of work under one copyright (and one fee) to, rather than having to copyright each piece. Even if I do this, it is expensive to defend. My donation of artwork to a charity auction is not deductible, and neither is your purchase of my artwork at a charity auction. The lawyer/presenter did not like China much, they appear to have entire cities dedicated to copying artwork, mass producing it, and selling it all over the world. Some useful links:

The presenter talked about a scam I already know about, which is when someone sends an email or calls saying something like their dying mother really wants one of your paintings before she dies and they will give you a cashiers check and you ship the painting. There is you giving them cash in there somewhere, but I can't remember how. The cashier's check is a really good fake, but no good, and you are out the painting and the shipping cost. I remember Dad talking about that scam last summer. I can see how any artist would be so happy to be finally selling something that they would get easily caught in a scam.

Cruiser and Spit started out looking at me in the morning like, What are you doing up so early? Where are you going? But by this morning, Cruiser was walking around on the bed and looking at me like I need to get up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. Spit licked her dinner plate so clean on Monday night that she scooted the plate across the floor. Both cats are now pretty well adjusted to me being gone all day and an evening in the backyard searching for worms in the too-tall-already grass seems to replace the evening brushing, or at least neither cat is whining for it.

Last night I went to bed with the window open and the frogs were so loud that I thought about closing the window, but then I fell asleep.

I think I will just update my resume with my new job on the state jobs website and then take a break for a while. I've had my fill of rejection for now.

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