Monday, May 16, 2011

First Day of Work

I am home from my first day of work since June 24, 2010 and I am tired, cranky, and my eyes hurt. My neighbor, Kurt, came back Saturday from truck driving for at least a month straight, and he has been weed-whacking his overgrown yard since I got home.

I did not get a good night's sleep and I was tired all day. I can see why they hesitated to hire me for this job, I am going to be super bored within the week. It is in the fiscal department and I am pretty much matching invoices in one system to account numbers in another system and either approving them or researching numbers that do not match. Today I just got set up on the computer systems and sorted letters and put them in envelopes all day. I met the girl who got the job a month ago, who is Basque, and a girl that has been there a week that is very pregnant. I heard I am there to replace the lead, who is retiring in September, and fill in for the pregnant girl when she goes out on maternity leave at the same time. Right now I am hoping and praying for that city job so I won't be there.

The thing that set me off is that today is the beginning of the two week pay period and I will not get paid for this pay period until June 10. That is an outrageous lag time and really screws me up financially for the next two months. My rent will have to be late. I also have to pay in to retirement right away, even though I am now temporary. I guess government jobs are screwed up everywhere.

At least my commute is only 5 minutes and 3 miles. It may have been longer this morning because it was snowing. Snowing!? I remember when I came here on my road trip I came into Boise and there was snow on the mountains on May 23rd, and I said, hey, I do not want to live someplace with snow in May! People told me there had been an unusual snow all the way down into the city that morning. This is either the 2nd year of unusual snow in May or it's not that unusual. The sun came out in the afternoon and the snow was really low on the mountains, but most of it is already gone. Kurt must have been really determined to whack his lawn, because not only was it a foot tall, it was cold and wet from two days of rain and snow.

Cruiser and Spit were at the door for their late lunch when I got home. Spit is now looking a bit resentful, but that may be because she hasn't received her brushing yet.

Funny to think that one week from today it will be one year since I arrived in Boise on my road trip.

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