Joe's uncle retired from GM at the ripe old age of 49. Whatever you want to say about overpaid executives, at least they are working for their salary.
These are the iris in front of one of the Historical Society buildings,

I remember being impressed by these last year and this year I took much better pictures.
Some humor from Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto,
"A day after he announced it, Willie Nelson has withdrawn his presidential endorsement of the monotonous libertarian extremist Gary Johnson, RawStory.com reports (apparently quoting Nelson's email verbatim): 'Yesterday, both the Teapot Party and Gary Johnson 2012 sent out press releases announcing the endorsement,' wrote Teapot Party member Steve Bloom Thursday.... 'My position is it too early for me to endorse anyone,' he wrote in an email to Bloom. 'And I think every one should vote their own conscience.' Willie went on: 'I think I will wait and see where he stands on other things. My bad. Sorry. I still think he is a good guy but so Is Dennis [Kucinich] and if he decided to run I would personally vote for him. If it came down to either him or Gary I'm already committed to Dennis. They both have said they support legal pot.' We're glad he cleared that up. But wait. What if it's Newt Gingrich vs. Russ Feingold -- how does Willie vote then? An anxious world holds its breath. An anxious world exhales. An anxious world suddenly feels more mellow. A mellow world scarfs down an entire bag of Doritos. Dude, what was this item about again?"
This morning I was a bit cold in my sweatshirt when I dropped off my painting for the IWS show, by the time I left work it was windy and hot, and by the time I got home it was windy and hot with dark cloud cover and I was grateful I do not live in tornado country. Now it is pouring rain.
Last night I was really tired, so I took my Artists Way homework to bed and waited for it to get dark enough to sleep. At 10 pm there was still a bit of light left, but I fell asleep anyway. I am a morning person and I used to like to be up before 6 am and asleep before 10, but I never really adjusted to the time change here. Now I usually up until 11 pm and have a really hard time getting up at 6 am for work. (Although I did not have any trouble getting up at 6 am on the weekend.) The longest day of the year is still a month away, by the end of June it should be light until 11!
Only two more days of work and then a three day weekend and then a four day work week, yay! I am somewhat entertained at work by fixing some floorplans in Visio as a side project. At least it feels somewhat artistic. My boss sent me an email about problems with a thermostat that I was supposed to deal with this afternoon, only problem is that she sent it to my home email, so I did not know about it until I got home. Good grief!
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