Monday, May 23, 2011


There is nothing California has that can compare to the Dogwood here. These pictures do not do it justice,

The hummingbirds just arrived in Southern Idaho. They are late and those that know are blaming the late spring. The late spring is also being blamed for disease that killed a large number of roses. I remember last year they were very late and many died, and this year it happened again.

My neighbors went away for the weekend and I fed their cats and they paid me a welcome $20. They did not have to pay me, but I appreciated that they did. Cookster is missing a few teeth and takes longer to eat, so I pay attention to Pierre while Cookster finishes. After my neighbors got home on Sunday afternoon, Pierre was standing on the top of my fence and I tried to shoo him away. He just looked at me like, hey, I thought we were friends?

Most Sunday mornings I like to walk over to Jacksons and buy a newspaper. Even in Idaho, the newspaper is a liberal rag and I refuse to pay for a subscription. Last Sunday I was standing in line with my paper and the young guy behind me says, you know that paper is really biased? I said, I know, I really just by it for the ads and the coupons. He seemed satisfied with that.

It is a good thing that no one at work appears to be a good receiver, as in mind reader. I was alright by the afternoon, but I had a hard time this morning. I need an hour off to deliver my painting for the IWS show and I had a hard time getting it, and then I had a hard time understanding how my boss wanted to work out the time off as flex time. I got the time off, but it got really complicate and I am now convinced that my communication skills are much better than I thought. I learned from the pregnant girl that the person that they hired instead of me only lasted a week. She did not have enough computer skills and they let her go. It was really close and a tough choice? Hmm.

After work I picked up my painting for the IWS show from the framer. No more spending money on framing for a while, but the painting really does look awesome. I had to hang it on the wall, so I could admire it for a day.

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