Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Have a Cold

Spit's fat lip went up and down last week, but it has been down for a few days. Cruiser is upset about the heater (downstairs) and now walks all over the computer desk (upstairs) every morning fighting with the keyboard for attention.

I have a cold. Sore throat and runny nose. I did a couple things yesterday to get ready to go to the gallery in Eagle and then I took an Alka-Seltzer Plus cold medicine and slept and watched TV. This usually heads off a cold if I take it right as the cold starts, but today I am feeling about the same.

I did take a few hours to paint the walls in my studio. The landlord left a can of the right color paint, but he did because someone had badly touched up the walls in the studio with satin paint (over flat) and not quite the right shade of white. At some point someone also painted a design in red that I could still see through the touch up. Pretty soon it is going to be too cold, so I got that done yesterday afternoon when it was warm and I could open the windows. It did not feel like what I should be doing, but messy walls in a studio is not conducive to good painting.

When house painting it is important to have good materials. I was grateful to still have my ladder that John gave me in 1993. Not only is it useful, it is sentimental. It has the remainder of paint from many, many projects, including the burgundy paint from the theater drapes murals I painted for the MGM Grand in 1993. If you house paint, go ahead and invest in the good paintbrush and the sheepskin paint roller. I don't know why Home Depot only has a few of the sheepskin rollers and they are always displayed too high up for me to reach, but any other rollers are a waste of time and paint.

Mary Kay gave me the number of her hairdresser and I have an appointment to get my hair cut next week. As of today it has been 9 weeks since Kathleen cut my hair and my long bangs did not start to annoy me until last weekend, but now they are really driving me nuts. Mary Kay's hair is like mine and she has a short layered cut, so I'm hoping the hairdresser does a good job on mine. There is nothing worse than a bad haircut, you have to live with it out there for everyone to see every day for weeks on end.

My cold is not making me feel chatty or enlightened, so more tomorrow.

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