Thursday, October 28, 2010

Applying for Jobs

Yesterday was apply-for-jobs day and today will be mostly the same. In between applying for jobs today I finally get to have my haircut, I can't see through my bangs anymore. I hope this is not too traumatic. Tonight I am meeting Leslie in Hyde Park for dinner at the 3rd Street Bar and Grill. They have a great outdoor patio, but unless they have super heaters, I doubt we will be sitting on it. Leslie is newer to Boise than me, but things did not work out for her and she is going back to Washington next week.

My allergies are really bothering me and if the theme for month 2 was adjusting to a new home, I think the theme for month 3 is going to be adjusting to pollens and climate.

Two guys came late yesterday, it was almost dark, and blew out the sprinklers for Winter. The landlord sent them, so I guess I don't have to deal with this myself. They take some kind of blower attached to their truck and blow the water out of the sprinkler system so the pipes do not explode when they freeze. One of the guys told me to leave the sprinkler timer off and they will be back, probably in May, to start them up again. May?! That made the Winter seem really long, but he said there is usually enough Spring rain to not need the sprinklers until May.

Yesterday I signed up for an Arts Idaho workshop next week, November 3 and 4, on the business side of being an artist. First Friday at the gallery is November 5, so this keeps me focused on art, out of trouble, and meeting people for 3 whole days.

Today's enlightenment topic is Perfection, with a poem by Robert Browning,

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!

Wow, Spring seems really far away. I planted some Crocus bulbs, but they will not come up until February and the Mum that I have in a pot on the front porch is on it's last week. I'm wondering what to replace the Mum with, maybe a pumpkin. Anyway, the morning is still beautiful here. This morning we had a sunrise with red reflected on gray clouds and the wind rustling through fall leaves, which are starting to cover the streets and my backyard. The evenings are perfect, too. In the last two weeks I've seen two shooting stars. The moon is bright, even as only a half moon, and I can see Orion, which looks bigger here, every night from my backyard. One benefit of the cold is that it is super quiet, all the noisemakers are indoors. I like quiet.

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