Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's Cold!

I got used to weather in the 50s and 60 seemed warm, then I got used to the 40s and 50 seemed warm, but suddenly yesterday it was in the 30s all day and it was cold! I was out for most of the day and wore my coat, scarf, and gloves. I checked the average temperatures and I only have one more adjustment to make, the average lows in December, January, and February are in the 20s. At least we are back to lows in the 40s this week, starting today, and the predicted highs around 50 will seem warm. That darn warning light in my car went on yesterday morning telling me it was under 37 degrees outside, duh, which reminds me I need to call Toyota and find out why.

Yesterday I went to lunch and then went for coffee. It is that eggnog latte time of year and an eggnog latte tastes better when it is 38 degrees outside. With my latte I got a $1 off coupon for the Festival of Trees, which reminds me that it feels more like the holidays when it is 38 degrees outside. Why is it that cold and snow makes me feel like it is the holidays when I've never experienced cold and snow on the holidays?

I need more hats. I don't look good in hats, but I can't deal with weather in the 20s without a hat. I bought one that looks good enough on me, but it doesn't cover my ears very well. I am currently too vain to buy one of those hats with the ear flaps, but I'm wondering if the next time my ears are cold if I will abandon vanity. I bought a coat a few weeks ago, but now I am not sure it is warm enough, so I am going to test it out today and maybe take it back for something warmer. I already have two warm jackets, including a peacoat, and Mom's 30 year old full-length cashmere coat, but I did not have a casual coat that I could wear over several layers. I had one in Vegas that I just loved, but I finally wore it out.

The next enlightenment topic is Physical Perfection, with an observation by Walt Whitman,

To me , every cubic inch of space is a miracle...
Welcome is every organ and attitude of me...
Not an inch, nor a particle of an inch is vile.

Your physical body is a temple, honor it. I'm finding that this gets harder as I get older and my body seems to be falling apart. My knee can now predict weather changes and I need highlights again, my gray is showing.

This makes me think about my issues with Perfectionism and The Spirituality of Imperfection, which I like better than Wisdom of the Ages. So I will add on the topic of Perfectionism, a conversation between Augustus and Call from Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove via The Spirituality of Imperfection,

"You're so sure you're right it doesn't matter to you whether people talk to you at all. I'm glad I've been wrong enough to keep in practice."
"Why would you want to keep in practice being wrong?" Call asked. "I'd think it would be something you'd try to avoid."
"You can't avoid it, you've go to learn to handle it," Augustus said. "If you come face to face with your own mistakes once or twice in your life it's bound to be extra painful. I face mine every day - that way they ain't usually much worse than a dry shave."

Lonesome Dove is a great book, even if you are not looking for spirituality. There are many more passages from other sources on the topic in The Spirituality of Imperfection, but I like the accessibility of this one.

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