Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I can't believe it is November already.

This week the weather is unseasonably warm again, as it was most of October, and I feel like I am getting spoiled. Next week we are supposed to return to normal and cold. Some of the trees with early Fall color are almost bare and now we have the later turners, which seem to be more multi-colored, and the ones that just turn yellow brown and fall off, like my street tree. I am ready with my Fall leaf bags, which I bought with my coupon from the City of Boise and came out to less than $1 a bag.

My mum is on it's last legs, so I pruned off the dead flowers and moved it to the backyard, but now my porch is bare. The cold is making me feel like the holidays are here and between that and the bare porch I am ready to put up the Christmas lights. I would normally do this Thanksgiving weekend, which is more than 3 weeks away.

Tomorrow is the business-side of being an artist workshop at the Boise Public Library. It starts at 9 am. I can't remember that last time I had to start anything at 9 am. Not only is it free, the first day includes lunch. It goes to 4:30 pm and this sounds like a long day for someone who has been on their own schedule for more than 4 months. Regardless, I am looking forward to it.

I found 2 cheap frames for two of my studies and I had Fast Frame finish the backs, so I can take these and the matted-but-unframed studies to the gallery for First Friday this week.

Despite the warm weather, I have been feeling out of sorts lately, probably just financial fear about something that hasn't happened yet, but that darn financial fear seems insurmountable sometimes. I did make myself paint this morning, and this afternoon I mowed the lawn for the last time this year. It seems more spidery in my house, maybe the spiders are trying to come in for the Winter, but I also have a sudden influx of ladybugs inside and outside. Spit did not appreciate having one walking on her food bowl. Spit, don't you know that is good luck?

I signed a new contract with Cable One and now have unlimited long distance phone, in addition to all the other things I already had, for less money.

I can't believe it is November already.

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