Cruiser has his own water, but mine seems to be better. This is now an evening ritual, Cruiser comes running as soon as I run the water, I have my water, then he has his out of my glass.
When I went out to the Eagle gallery, I took some pictures, but it's looking pretty bleak,

When I buy a house in Idaho, I am going to buy a house that is a color. The landscape is so brown and grey here in the Winter that it seems depressing to drive up to a white house, like this one, in Winter. A red brick house with white trim and a few blue spruce in front sounds good right now.
Then I went over to Star. Eagle is just northwest of Boise and Star is just west of Eagle. Star has mostly big properties, is less pretentious, and older. I went and looked at a house I saw on Realtor.com that I thought was close to my dream house,

It is too big, 4,000 square feet and 3 stories, but it is on 5 acres with a running stream. My dream house is an old restored farmhouse on at least 2 acres with a running stream. This house faces Northeast and that 3rd floor looks like it would make a great studio.
Here is a great example of the job opportunity spam I get because of CareerBuilder:
"This entity seizes an opportunity to suggest Ghost Shopper post at the Creative Minds INC. With your resume being found at CareerBuilder, the personal branch of given enterprise went the extra mile to look into the personal history report you placed at the job connection web-resource and went to be contented. This organization harbors a hope that your accomplishments will find application to the general benefit of the whole entity.
Essential requirements to be employed:
1. Age qualification: older than 27
2. Accession to Internet
3. 3-5 hours of Spare time daily to exercise your specific responsibilities
4. Non-conviction certificate
Appointment odds:
On its own, this appointment makes a wonderful medium of itself of obtaining profit for regulars while taking to to the enterprise. If keen on reveling stuff cared for most of all by you and push fortune in this business, being a Mystery Consumer is a real challenge for you. As an example, you can have a nice meal in eatery you like or purchase belongings in hypermarkets contributing to entity."
Whoever this is needs a better translator. Would anyone really interpret this as a real job?
Here are the yellow leaves,

I intended this to be more abstract and less busy. Oh, well.
It has been much colder, which makes me lazier and the grey landscape is getting to me. Idaho has no Winter flowers. In So Cal at least the camellias would be blooming. The paperwhites I had indoors finished, so now I go out and check the progress of those crocus bulbs every day and dream of Spring. The Idaho Botanical Garden has a class on February 15 called "What's Blooming Right Now" and I think I will go. Something out here must be blooming, maybe I just need them to point it out. They also have a class on painting botanicals this month and I think I will go to that one, too.
The Idaho Arts Commission posted an administrative job opening and I am going to work on my letter of interest today. Then I am going to print it out and go there and try to hand it to a person that will talk to me.
The Master's show is back at the Autry,
There are only 8 women out of 75 artists and 3 of the women are sculptors. This seems like a poor showing for women painters and being part of this show is another one of my dreams.
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