After 3 days,

He doesn't complain and he doesn't watch football, so we will give him a few more days, but he better grow some hands. I like a man with hands.
We had four days in Boise with temperatures up to around 60 degrees. People were not out in flip flops, but I did see shorts and capris. Everyone here said this always happens, Boise gets a few warm days in February and everyone thinks Spring is here and then it snows again. Yesterday the temperature plummeted and I woke up with a headache. As soon as I set out in the morning, it started to snow. Then we got hail, thunder, and more snow for the afternoon and I woke up this morning to a two inch blanket of snow over the yard and rooftops. I was hoping it would snow again. Even though it was warm, it was still really brown and grey and I prefer white. This is Tia yesterday, caught in the hail storm,

I had a dream last weekend that Mark Zuckerberg and I were making chocolate truffles in my kitchen. I've been dreaming more, maybe because of all that writing for the Artist's Way, or maybe because I'm painting so much. Some dreams don't really seem to mean anything and some are obvious. I have a dream on a regular basis that I can't wake up. Something good or bad is happening and I can't wake up no matter how hard I try. That is a frustration dream. It has the same meaning as the version I used to have where I'm trying to dial 911 and I keep misdialing over and over again.
Even though there are lots of universal symbols in dreams, I look for what the symbols represent to me, personally. To me chocolate truffles are the ultimate comfort food and in my dream we are making them by hand, so we are creating. Mark Zuckerberg was a bit harder to figure out. He is the ultimate computer geek and in some ways he represents the irresponsibility and lack of morality or social responsibility that technology can bring. I am pretty anti-technology. To me, the world seems to admire technological innovation without ever asking, do we really need this? Is this a good thing? But then, Mark Zuckerberg is talented, lucky, super successful, and honestly in most of his pictures he looks really happy.
So my dream seems to be about some successful union of technology and creativity and the result is comforting.
Yesterday I dropped by another ad agency (while it was snowing) and talked to the creative VP, who happened to be an Art Center alumni. I left some cards, but he was not very encouraging. He does his own storyboards, but he suggested getting a rep and gave me some names of art galleries.
Then I talked to a graphic design professor at Boise State University, who returned my call. I told him my background and that I was interested in graphic design classes, but I didn't know if that meant I should enroll as an undergrad or a grad student, since I already have a BFA. He suggested undergrad and said that most of the required classes could be waived. Masters students can often pay for school by teaching, but not undergrads, and I can't afford this right now anyway. I thought learning the basics of graphic design would be useful and I thought finding a way in to BSU, so I could teach, might be useful also, but maybe later.
Then I went to Kelly Services. It was so great to talk to a real person. She was excited to see my call center/software support experience, they have lots of call center work in Boise. She gave me the name of a company that might be interested in my background. I left her my resume and she sent me a link to fill out all my information again on-line, which I did last night.
I am amazingly calm under the circumstances. I keep getting up and hitting another dead end with a good attitude and a smile on my face. I've been able to keep somewhat structured and productive day, write, paint, work on my commission, go out and talk to somebody, check jobs, call someone, and all the while remembering to stop and eat. If life is an adventure, or a path to being your true self and not ego, or just walking around being a good person, then I seem to be doing that right. If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it.
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