I can't really read the packages, they are all in Italian, but there is romano, mozzarella, what has to be parmesan, ricotta with capers (think that's why it's black), chocolate, and espresso chocolate. I'm already into the chocolate, which is less sweet (and more chocolate!) than we make it here. I will have to make lasagna, although I am suspicious of that ricotta. Thanks, Coco!
Here are the crocus trying to come up,

And Spit excited by the warmer weather,

I took my letter of interest, resume, references, and a promo card to the Arts Commission this morning and dropped it off. The Arts Commission is in a funny old house next to the Bishop's House and I almost couldn't find it. I said I was interested in upcoming workshops and talked to someone for half an hour about opportunities for artists in Boise. I gave her my email, so they can add me to their mailing list, and my website. She answered some of my questions about artist's grants, I missed the visual artist fellowship grant deadline, which comes around again in 2014, but there are project grants every quarter of $1500. I did not talk to the director, but I hope I made an impression on someone and she gave me some other organizations in Boise that have workshops and grants. We ended talking about my Prius, who would have thought it would be a conversation piece.
Then I went next door to the Botanical Garden to sign up for their painting botanicals class, which was full. I will have to wait until it is held again in the Summer, I was thinking February was too cold to be painting outside anyway, and I need to remember to sign up early.
The co-chairman of the Idaho Watercolor Society called and invited to me to their meeting on Monday and asked if I would help put on their annual workshop in June. I said I would if it was something I could still do if I was miraculously working by then, and someone else will call me about it. I think I will go ahead and go to their Monday meeting and network some more.
I checked for ad agencies in Boise and found three. I wrote down names and addresses and I am going to drop by those on Friday and next week. I don't know if there is any illustration work here, but I am going to try to talk to someone and ask what illustration work they might use, so I can do some appropriate samples. It seems to me that if the city and the state are doing so much to support local artists, maybe ad agencies are, too. I'm thinking of doing some renderings of historical architecture in Idaho.
But the Arts Commission was enough networking for one day. Tomorrow is my one day road trip and I'm still not sure where I want to go.
Counting down to enlightenment, there are 12 topics left, and the next is Privacy with a piece by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (also know as Mahatma),
Strength of numbers is the
delight of the timid.
The valiant in spirit glory in
fighting alone.
The author starts his opinion on this piece talking about quantum physics, which I do not understand. He then goes on to talk about sharing your dreams with people, which invites your ego and their opinion, which invites your defenses, which moves the dream from the spirit to the ego-centered real world. I liked that idea. I had to share my idea of moving to Idaho for practical reasons, but I did not ask anyone to co-sign my dream. Some did anyway, although I hope that now that I am at some financial 11th hour they are not regretting it. I'm not sure what that has to do with privacy, though, except that we all need some privacy to connect with our spirit, our dreams, and our beliefs that we are willing to defend even if we have to do so alone.
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