Cruiser and Spit still don't like it, that white blanket over the grass is just wrong, grass is green, not white.
After completing my no shopping challenge for January, I went across the street to the antique store and bought myself a hurricane oil lamp,

The base is nice and heavy glass, but the shade must be new because it is light and thin. I love the warm light. I did not realize how hard it would be to find lamp oil. I finally had to go to WalMart. I hate WalMart. After a trip to WalMart, I am convinced that civilization needs to end. I ran in, found the lamp oil, noticed they might be a good place to buy camping/survivalist gear and ammo, and left. The screaming kid that I heard the entire time I was in the store followed me out into the parking lot with his amused parent. WalMart is not different in Idaho.
I have all that Italian cheese, and Mom gave me a pizza stone that I hardly use, so last night I made a pizza,

I am still working on the best pizza crust, this one is too thick, but on this one I even used cornmeal between the crust and the stone, just like at Round Table.
I rescheduled both of my temp agency appointments to Tuesday and Wednesday and they both sent me the emails today that they were supposed to send Friday. Both reminded me how much experience I have dealing with unemployed difficult and emotional people and how I might be good at it, since they are not.
The drawing for my commission was tough, much of the reference is hard to see, but I finished the drawing and transferred it to watercolor paper.
Today I just met with my friend to do some spiritual work. (And help change my attitude before I have to meet these temp agency people.) She reminded me of one of my favorite phrases from the Big Book, which I forgot,
"We trust infinite God rather than our finite selves. We are in the world to play the role He assigns. Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have us, and humbly rely on Him, does he enable us to match calamity with serenity."
How quickly I forget. It's a good thing I have people around to remind me.
I forgot today was a holiday. That happens when you are unemployed. I did not forget that today is my 6 month anniversary in Boise. I still like it here. I like having seasons and like a bit of snow, although I am really looking forward to seeing Spring. I have many friends and great support. Someone on Sunday described me as "warm", as in kind. I was surprised again, "who me?" It was nice to hear. I am more than half way through the Artist Way. I've finished many paintings and I am better at multitasking, meaning I can paint, then stop and do something else I need to do, then go back to painting. I have a painting in a show next month and entry forms for three more shows between now and May. I still have a long list of things that I would like to do, like finish that children's book, but I also realize I used to have more energy.
Except for financial fear, the last eight months have been just awesome. Today I am back in one day at a time, doing the next right thing in front of me. I'm trying to remember myself at Dad's and full of the adventure.
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