Still no hands, but the leg is looking much better.
Wait! Here he is waking me up this morning,

OK, that's enough fun at Mr. Boyfriend's expense. After six days in water he made it to maybe five inches and I want my sink back.
I have appointments on Monday at both Kelly Services and Office Team for temp work, but neither sent me the emails they were supposed to on Friday. I dropped a resume off at Office Team last Thursday. Someone was supposed to call me that afternoon, so when they didn't, I called them Friday morning. Someone finally called me late Friday afternoon. They wanted to be sure I was interested in having them help me find work. Gee, no, I just wanted to hang out and talk about how my money is running out. I had that "why are you working and not me?" feeling again.
Mary Kay's daughter was nominated for a national teaching award and the daughter doesn't think she will get it, "why me" she said, and Mary Kay said, "why not you?" So when I was telling Mary Kay about the Arts Commission job, she said, "why not you?" Why not you, chosen for that job? I saw her last night and she reminded me, "why not Shelly?" I now have it written on a note on my refrigerator, along with my fortune cookie fortune, "You will receive a prestigious prize or award within the month." I bought a Idaho Powerball ticket, too, just in case. Why not Shelly winning the Idaho Powerball? Monday is supposed to be a holiday and the Arts Commission is supposed to start reviewing resumes on Tuesday.
Remember the State of Idaho job application that I got a 100 score on and then they froze hiring for the position and then they canceled it? They re-posted the job as limited to existing state employees only.
I found several jobs via Careerbuilder and HumanResourcesJobs.com that seemed to be a good fit for me, so I spent most of Friday applying for jobs online. It still feels like a waste of time, but I was out of ideas on Friday and the weather was terrible. At least these had me sending a cover letter and a resume to an email address instead of spending hours completing hundreds of individual fields on their website.
This morning I did my volunteer job for the Idaho Watercolor Society, which included going to the post office, and wrote and mailed my unemployment denial appeal.
When I drove to Ketchum/Fairfield I had the chance to listen to AM radio for a few hours. Whatever you may think of the radio personalities, AM radio is the only place I hear news that makes any sense. News that fits with the reality around me. I heard real unemployment is 22% and real inflation is 9%. I heard the U.S.-Egypt Military Cooperation Committee was meeting in Washington DC at the same time the protests started in Egypt. Did you know we have 625 American military personnel stationed in Egypt? And no one on the committee or stationed in Egypt had any idea massive protests were coming? Really?
The price of gas was holding since I arrived in Boise at $2.95. Over the last few days it rose to $3.17. The price of cotton rose to an all time high last Thursday. The only reason for this that I read that makes any sense is,
Robert Antoshak, managing director at Olah, a US-based denim maker, said: “The unknown has bred a psychology of blind panic in the market. You are getting the whole supply chain elevating prices more than you would see based on simple economics.” (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ec725da0-3a77-11e0-9c65-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz1ESWLJXGP)
I read a few articles about how the price of clothing will be increasing by 10% this Spring and they start with something like, "clothing prices have dropped for a decade..." Talk about spin! I have not been able to afford very much new clothes over the last ten years, but during my annual birthday shopping trip with my Mom I did not notice we could buy any more over the last few years. All I noticed was that everything was getting more cheaply made and ill-fitting, fabrics were getting thinner, and natural fabrics were disappearing.
I didn't realize that I needed to stock up on 100% cotton underwear, which is now almost impossible to find. Ladies, you should be wearing 100% cotton, so you can breathe! Like that slinky modal stuff? It is made by spinning reconstituted cellulose from beech trees, as is rayon, and is heavily processed using chemicals. Wood and chemicals?!
I wonder what the higher price of cotton will do to the price of watercolor paper?
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