The temperature plummet happened in one day, by Tuesday night early evening it was in the low 50's. My friend called me, "What are you wearing?" She said in her most sultry voice. "A thermal, sweat pants, and I am about to put on warm socks," was my reply. Pretty sexy stuff. She knew I would be caught off guard by the early cold. I asked her what she thought the difference was between laziness and resting. She thought it was your attitude. We are going to have breakfast on Sunday morning with another friend recently diagnosed with cancer. We are going to the Trolley House on Warm Springs, one of those very old Boise great place for breakfast places.
Today I do not think it made it to 50 degrees. Both cats run outside and wonder why I closed the door behind them and then want to come right back in again. Then Spit remembers, oh, this is the time of year when I get insistent about my evening brushing.
Did you know you can make your own butter? I read it in the Idaho Statesman last week, that is the kind of thing they write about in the Idaho Statesman. I thought you had to have a butter churn and that it took hours. I do not eat lots of butter, but it is one of those things I have to have enough of in the fridge. Making it yourself is not a cost saver, unless you have a dairy cow, but making it was really fun. Two cups of cream makes one cup of butter and about half a cup of buttermilk. I used a food processor, but you can use a jar with a lid and supposedly it does not take much longer. I'm processing and the cream turns to whipped, then to really thick whipped and I'm wondering how long this is going to take and maybe this won't work and all of sudden the butter separates out from the buttermilk, like magic. The buttermilk is thinner than I thought it would be, I'm saving that for pancakes this weekend. Then I washed the butter in ice water until the water comes clean. It is light colored, no yellow die, and it tastes really light, like butter you can have in a really nice restaurant. I had some on toasted raisin bread that I made last weekend for this occasion and everything was right with the world.
They had free flu shots at work this week. Me and the used-to-be-pregnant girl seemed like the only ones that did not get our free shot. Her opinion was that we would be the only two left that would not turn into zombies, she is in to zombie movies and knows all about what to do if confronted with one. Honestly, she is more of a conspiracy theorist than me and I am sure she's done enough research on immunizing her kids to have a negative opinion about flu shots. My doctor gave me a hard time about not having one two years ago, but I said I can't remember the last time I had the flu. She said don't cry to me when you get the flu, and I didn't because I did not get the flu. All you need is a strong immune system and I'm pretty sure a flu shot is not good for your immune system. And speaking of getting something for free, who is really paying for that free shot? The Feds? Even better reason not to get one.
My boss quit this morning. You can't imagine how difficult it was not to jump up for joy. She got another job with the state where she will supervise ten people. God, help them. In a way I thought she got off easy, now she will not have to take responsibility for terrorizing me, but this way is just fine.
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