My new boss started last Monday and she is really nice, a smart, intuitive kind of nice, which is just great. At the same time, the spinning top was out of control the entire week. I went to talk to my new boss about it finally on Thursday and she gave me a hug. I spent the entire day with my old boss trying to avoid her, and now I get a hug. The difference was too remarkable.
All this reading about mythology and the inner feminine was making dealing with the spinning top pretty weird. I've seen plenty of women causing chaos to deflect attention from themselves, but I have never witnessed the one who causes chaos in order to attract attention to herself, unpacking groceries, slamming drawers, nail filing, coughing, sighing, yawning, blowing nose, interrupting every conversation I tried to have in my office. It took all of my energy to ignore her and not comment on the excuse for the tantrum, which was clear on Monday due to some angry phone calls.
Some one told me she was on medication and I think that it is sad that we don't treat people anymore, we medicate them.
Every week night I spent in some hurry to get ready for winter. I rotated in the rest of the winter clothes and worried about not having the right winter clothes to wear to work. I am lucky that my job is super casual and I wondered about looking for another one, partly because I do not have winter work clothes and winter work clothes are expensive. I bought a winter comforter cover and stored away the summer one. Fortunately, I already went to the laundromat and washed the down comforter.
I really stressed about spending the money on a comforter cover and felt sorry for myself because I am poor and can't buy more winter work clothes. Then I made myself remember all of the things I have that most of the world does not, like a garbage disposal, dishwasher, and a washer and dryer in the house. I saw a commercial the other day for paper towels and they were comparing their paper towel to a rag. I thought that was telling, they were not comparing their paper towel to another paper towel, because now that people don't have any money they are going back to old dishrags and realizing they never needed paper towels. Just like they never needed a Swifter Wet Jet Power mop.
After four days of driving to work in freezing weather, it was a warm sunny weekend. Yesterday I did the yard work, although I did not have to rake leaves yet.
I set the ammo boxes that I used for planters in the ground. This means I had to screw on the lids again, move them off their spot on the grass, and dig a section out of the grass to set in the planters. Boise does not have snails, but they have these giant slugs with spots. Several of these were enjoying the damp under the planters and they are super gross. Once I got the grass dug up, I flipped the planter over, that's the reason for putting the lid back, pulled off half of the bottom of the box, and then flipped it back over and set it on the dirt. I was going to take off the whole bottom, but the box didn't seem like it would hold together. Did I do this without spilling a ton of dirt out of the box? Nope. This took all afternoon, although in the end I got those boxes in perfectly level.
Except for a few minutes talking to my mom on the phone, I went through the entire day on Saturday without talking. I saved my errands for Sunday, so I did not go out. Have you ever gone a day without talking? Do you think you could? For most people it would be like going without TV.
This morning I braved KMart to buy more lamp oil. I hate KMart, but they are the only ones that carry lamp oil. I went early, to beat the crowd, 9 am on Sunday morning should be too early for the KMart crowd, unless they are still up from Saturday night. I bought my lamp oil and rounded out my emergency car supplies, with a crank flashlight, some emergency glow sticks, and a folding shovel. I already put the cat litter back in my car for helping me dig out of snow.
Late this afternoon, I tried to go out and get some more pictures of fall color, but I was pretty unsuccessful. The other parks have too many obstructions, cars and people, for any shots better than the ones I took last year at Katherine Albertson Park. I am amazed at the color here, the most mundane street is lined with orange and gold and green trees and the most neglected house still has a remarkable tree in front. Here are the trees downtown in the WinCo parking lot,

Here is the Boise River, looking calm,

When I got home, I did get treated to one of those great Idaho fall trees on fire sunsets,

Someday I will find a place to get a picture of this that does the event justice.
A woman at work said that once there was thunder and lightning and snow in Boise, now that would be a sight.
Tomorrow is Halloween and Boise really likes Halloween. There is a chili cook-off at work and I sacrificed some of my blueberry storage and made blueberry corn bread to bring. I'm just going to wear my elf ears and I can't imagine what the attention-seeker is going to come up with.