Monday, August 30, 2010

Health and Freedom

Boise is on Mountain Time, 1 hour later than California. I am staying up later, because it stays light later, but I am still up early. The light is also different here, there seems to be longer morning light and evening light and not so much mi-day. I still could not stay up last night to watch Mad Men, it wasn't on until 11 pm, I could have made it if it was on at 10, like it is everywhere else but here. I am really disappointed to finally have TV and not be able to watch Mad Men.

Sometimes I feel like I am still in Simi Valley, especially around the mall and all the same stores. I was in Target, which is the same everywhere, and I forgot I was in Idaho. Then I went to Meridian to sign the house lease and drove through city, then farm, then city, then farm again, and I felt like I was in Idaho again. My neighbor gave me a Boise fun-fact, Boise is farther away from a metropolitan area of equal or greater size than any other metropolitan area. The closest is probably Salt Lake, 5 hours and 21 minutes. Probably where Boise gets it's independent spirit.

I ordered a lawnmower, a small push mower for my little yard with the getting to be very tall grass. My truck driver neighbor came home yesterday and today he mowed his entire front and back yard with a weed whacker. It took most of the afternoon. I'm glad I did not ask him if I could borrow a mower.

One neighbor got out the guitar and played this evening, not too bad. I noticed a Karaoke set up in the neighbor's backyard across the alley, but have not heard any usage, that would be bad. Last Friday, someone at Wee Bit O'Scotland played the bagpipes for a while, that was interesting, but it seems to be a Friday thing.

So, I brushed up my public administration portfolio and researched Idaho statutes regarding health and welfare, but boy is it dry reading. The interview is for a position for Food Stamps compliance (meaning getting employees to follow the rules and monitoring errors), which is based on federal law, so much of it is the same as California, but I don't have access to Idaho's internal procedure manuals, which would help me know how they are doing things.

I was thrilled to find the Idaho Health and Freedom Act, passed last March and effective last July, that rejects Obamacare,


The power to require or regulate a person’s choice in the mode of securing health care services, or to impose a penalty related thereto, is not found in the Constitution of the United States of America, and is therefore a power reserved to the people pursuant to the Ninth Amendment, and to the several states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment. The state of Idaho hereby exercises its sovereign power to declare the public policy of the state of Idaho regarding the right of all persons residing in the state of Idaho in choosing the mode of securing health care services.

It is hereby declared that the public policy of the state of Idaho, consistent with our constitutionally recognized and inalienable rights of liberty, is that every person within the state of Idaho is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty.

The policy stated herein shall not be applied to impair any right of contract related to the provision of health care services to any person or group.

I picked an interview outfit and located the appropriate shoes. One moving tip, when packing shoes, especially if they are going to be in storage for months, use shoe trees or pack the insides of the shoes so they don't flatten or crunch. I have some pretty disfigured shoes and some of them look like they will never recover. I was able to un-mangle the pair I need for tomorrow, which are sandals, and am glad that it will be somewhat warm tomorrow since I think sandal season is just about over. I did go shoe shopping, but I am very confused about what shoes people wear when they live in a real Fall and Winter. As soon as it is Fall, I'm going to have to start looking at people's feet.

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