Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cats for Breakfast

Yesterday I woke up early after the 1st good night's sleep in 4 days. I went to the main house, made coffee, brought it back to the studio, and both cats decided they spent too much time inside over the last 3 days and rushed outside while I was opening the screen door, coffee in hand.

Sophie goes out as soon as she can get Dad to get up and open the door, she does a round around the house, then she comes in for breakfast when Dad is up. When the cats rushed out, I did not think Sophie had been out yet for her morning round, but both cats stayed near the house and I figured I would hear the door slam when Sophie went out and would have time to get both cats in. Then Cruiser wandered off and made it past the main gate. I went after him, unlatched the gate, and then I saw Sophie. She was standing at attention next to the end of the main house, focused on Spit. I closed the gate and took off towards Spit, and so did Sophie. Spit took off for the studio and made it and Sophie turned to Cruiser. By now Cruiser is on the wrong side of the fence, fence between him and Sophie, running along side trying to get closer to the studio. I head off Sophie and get her back in the main house. Cruiser is now howling, the holes in the fence are too small for him to get through, and I am admiring how tightly the wire fence is held together as I walk along on the opposite side of the fence from Cruiser looking for an opening. Cruiser finally decides to wiggle his way through one of the wire squares in the fence (he could stand to loose a few pounds) and takes off for the studio.

At least both cats know where home is, but that was more excitement than I care for at 7 am.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking, re-organizing, going through my Boise trip stuff, and trying to stay out of the wreckage of the future. So far, I am only missing my extra set of glasses. I sent an email to the property management guy and left another message for Dollar Rent a Car about my keys. The storage lock key was also on my key chain, and I think I have an extra, but I am not positive. I have just over a week before the mover is scheduled and I do not have an address.

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