The cable installer came this morning, I now have a local number and internet at home. Once I had an internet connection and a local phone number, I sent off my legislative analyst job app. I finished the cover letter and updated my resume, which was waiting for a local phone number, this morning with the computer on the floor. My legs keep falling asleep and my back aches. I thought it would be easier to blog once I had my own internet, but my back is killing me and I am back at Starbucks where I can sit in a chair. The mover called and is now coming Thursday. Then I will have a desk, and my really nice Aeron chair.
The cable installer was ex-military from Temecula, California. The handyman that works for my landlord is from Van Nuys via Lancaster. He arrived in Boise in the 90's with $900. I suppose he left when I left last time, except I went to Vegas. All of the utilities I called, cable, water, sewer, and trash, sound like there are no more than two people in the office. When I called the cable rep this morning for my new number, she said she lives on my street. Can you imagine someone at AT&T or Time Warner Cable saying that? From them, it would give you the creeps.
I checked out the pawn shop and did not see the push mower I want, but I did see a nice bicycle with a big basket in front, and then went to the fruit and vegetable stand close to my Starbucks and bought blackberries, the sweetest I can remember since Michigan.
By the time I left Dad's last Friday, I had been unemployed for 8 weeks. I had been at Dad's for just over 7 weeks. I gave up my mattress when my stuff went into storage, so except for a few nights in motel's and at Mom's, I have slept on a futon for 7 weeks. It wasn't so bad, and I could have slept in the guest house with the nice bed but away from my animals, but my new bed is better. I got a good night's sleep last night, but I am really looking forward to another one.
Sunday night at Dad's at about 11 a coyote started howling just above the studio. Dad yelled and howled back to chase him away and he just got louder. So he got the bathrobe, the slippers and the gun. He shot in the coyote's direction and he took off. Dad thinks me and the cats would have been petrified, but I think the coyote was sorry to see me go.
I feel weird, like I spent months trying to reach a goal and now I'm here and I need a new goal. I have plenty of new goals, but I think I will enjoy meeting the big one for a few minutes. Funny, the thing I was most intimidated by is driving 2 days with my cats, and that was hard, but it already seems like a long time ago.
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