It did not matter so much for the interview, though, which was pretty comfortable and a bit casual. More of a lets get to know you kind of interview. I do well on most interviews, since I've had so much practice, and I think I did well on this one. I do not do well on interviews that are too formal and stiff, where I can't bring in any humor or be at all personal, and this one suited my style. One question was about the steps I took to initiate a major change in my life. Ha! I got to use moving to Idaho as an example. I was only disappointed that of all the Idaho jobs I applied for, this is the one that I want, and I did not have a warm-up interview beforehand for a job I don't really want and I have not worked in over 2 months, so I thought I was a bit rusty. One of the interviewers was a ceramicist, with a masters degree in fine art, that was funny.
In this job, there would be a wide variety of responsibility, grant administration, working with outside contractors, training, which I need. There is also an opportunity to present to the Idaho legislature, which I think would be really fun. There is a 2nd interview with more managers and a writing test, so the process may take a few weeks. I felt like they would call me for a 2nd interview when I left, but who knows, I've been rejected for jobs where I did an excellent interview and was completely qualified. At least I have kept up my writing skills for the last few months.
Cruiser is enjoying the tall grass, but I am concerned that it is getting too tall for me to mow. The sprinklers need adjusting, one is watering the backdoor and there is a puddle on the floor in the kitchen every watering morning, but I am trying to resist too much home improvement. I love home improvement, but I tend to use it to avoid the things I should be doing that I don't want to do.
Cruiser does this thing almost every day where he gets obsessive about attention, cries and follows me around and butts my hand and walks all over me or the keyboard if he can. Yesterday I used his obsession to give him some much needed exercise. I went up and down the stairs, which I still end up doing all the time anyway, with Cruiser right on my heels.
Today I am going to get an Idaho driver's license and look for other jobs. September is here and September is usually a good hiring month.
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