Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Will she ever leave?

I am now back from my last trip back and forth to LA for a while. I left here yesterday just after noon and the bad driving started earlier this time, now at Santa Barbara. (And stayed bad through Santa Barbara on the way back.)

The mover still had no pick-up date yesterday and I met the rep this morning to give him the storage key and code, so he can deal with the long distance mover. By this morning, he had a pick-up date, this Friday. I gave my 2nd key and the code to my friend just in case and I pity the mover if there is a problem and he has to call her.

I stopped on my way in yesterday to see Mom and have a glass of ice water, then went on to get the much needed haircut and not only got my haircut, but a gift of shampoo and conditioner. Thanks, Kathleen! After being so annoyed with the mover, I felt better after my haircut. I promised Kathleen I would post when I get safely to Boise on Saturday. Then on to my last Tuesday night women's coffee for a while, some of my friends think I am never going to leave.

Today I had breakfast with Mom, my brother John, and my sister-in-law Jen, then went to meet the mover, then made some important calls, then to Mom's for lunch, then to PetCo to by a dog crate and more food for the cats, then back to Dad's and I am beat. There seems to be too much to take care of before I leave on Friday.

I spoke to the vet I used here, actually I spoke to an assistant, who happened to have recently taken her cats back and forth to Vegas. She put them together in a dog crate and they did much better than they have in the past in separate carriers. She did not use medication and said if I wanted them to prescribe some, my cats will need to go in for an exam, since last time was just shots. So, cats are going without meds and I think they will be OK. She said something about taking them for a test drive in the dog crate, but I'm not sure I can face this.

I did not get to stop at the beach on the way back and now my combo farmer's/driver's tan is even worse. Oh, well, they won't care in Boise.

I asked Mom if she had an old pillowcase for Dad's pillow I am going to take with me, and she gave me some really nice embroidered ones that were mildewed in Bob's closet and she took them and cleaned them up. Guess Bob's not getting them back! Thanks, Mom! Dad also gave me a designer shower curtain he can't use here. So I already have housewarming gifts, pillowcases, shower curtain, and salon shampoo.

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