Thursday, July 14, 2011

Too Much Talking

Now that they are banished to the backyard only, Spit is more insistent on her evening brushing and Cruiser is taken with drinking from the garden hose. He is insistent and laps from the running hose as I try to water my plants. The peas appear to be done and the pea plants are looking a bit ratty, I only got a handful of peas, but hopefully next year I will be able to plant them earlier and get a bigger crop. The strawberries and the cucumber plants are huge, and I am glad the strawberries are contained in a planter, although they probably could have used one to themselves. The cucumber is full of orange-yellow flowers and soon I will have to let its branches loose to grow across the lawn.

My theory on the loss of the green chili plant is that I left it in that "green" growing pot. You know the one that they wrap with plastic and you are just supposed to take the plastic off and leave it in the pot made of mulch? It is green because there is no plastic pot. The dirt in the planter on the patio gets really warm and I think that mulch pot kept too much warm around that plant, which killed it. If I do that again, I am throwing away the mulch pot along with the plastic wrapper.

I finished the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and moved on to the next one, the Girl Who Played with Fire. I was going to take a break and read another author in between, but I didn't. I do not remember being annoyed by the male fantasy version of promiscuous sex in the first book, but I am now. A happily married, successful woman has been having an affair with the same guy for 20 years with her husband's blessing? Yea, right, I'm tired of reading about it, and I'm tired of lesbians, I want story.

At work, I have one woman in a cube next to me and one across from me. The one next to me talks to herself quietly pretty often, but today she had a running conversation with herself. As a group we got in trouble for talking, and the girl next to me will not stop talking, and she's louder and directs her comments to me as if they need an answer, so I started ignoring her. She's still talking, but now to herself. Sometimes she berates herself in the 3rd person, like Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Between that and the other dysfunctions, I felt like an observer in a nuthouse today.

My right small toe looked funky over the winter and now I see it is red in between the two small toes. I showed two girls at work and they thought it might be athlete's foot or an ulcer. Athlete's foot! Gross! My small toe has been banged up so much in its life that there is no way for air to get between the two smallest toes. So I went to the store and bought Epsom salts. Then I cleaned the shower. I thought it was pretty clean until I sprayed it with Lime A Way, which made white streaks through the dirt. Then I soaked my feet and cleaned between my toes and tried to get some air flow between them. Then I was beat tired.

Tonight I got my hair cut and it was another night without the chance to paint and I am feeling irritated.

I was going to write about dealing with hyper-sensitivity and the next enlightenment topic that I keep putting off because it is one that makes my head explode, Individuality, but I will save those for the weekend.

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