Now that the Inquisition has driven three significant rabbis back to the Middle East, I am completely fascinated by The Source and can barely put it down.
Both cats were restless all weekend, as if they sense change, and Cruiser whined until I gave him a good brushing last night. Then he got up on the back of the chair, put his arms around me and purred in my ear, and everything was right with the world.
In case you don't believe me, here is Cruiser drinking from the hose,

He prefers it if I hold the hose up, but it is hard to do that and take a picture.
And his favorite spot when it is hot,

This is Spit in one of her favorite spots when it is hot, and in an uncharacteristically unladylike pose,

Anyone notice that mail delivery slowed down? The postman took two days to take my rent check out of the mailbox. That is all I noticed this month, but I only have two letters a month that I mail. The IRS is late, too, or else it is the mailman's fault, my monthly bill arrived too late to pay on time.
I also went to CostCo this weekend, and I hate going on the weekend, but my membership is almost expired and I will not renew it right away, so I went to stock up on what I usually buy. I must have signed up right when I got here, since I signed up for a year. One tip about food storage, you need to find some self discipline. I bought that can of peanuts, a double large bag of raisins, and a large bag of M&Ms to make my own trail mix. This should last me more than a year, but I can't stay out of it. That is one reason I cooked for the week, if I have to chose between trail mix and cooking when I get home from work, I chose trail mix. Another tip, there are not as many M&Ms as you think in that trail mix, more like half of what you think.
Fortunately, the Five Tibetan Rites are holding the effect of that trail mix at bay. I am now at 10 reps of each and you would not think that when you add just one more rep that you could really feel it, but I do.
The heat requires the opposite routine as the cold and I am sorry when I forget. In summer in the morning I have to close the windows and the blinds to keep the heat out, in the winter I have to close the blinds to keep the cold out and turn down the thermostat so I don't cook while under the warm covers. If I don't remember to shut up my room in the morning, I can't get it to cool down enough to sleep.
Last year we had a mild autumn and it was winter overnight when the time changed in November. I figure we will have another mild fall this year to go with the late spring, but unlike So Cal, we really have fall here and it will arrive soon. One more month to do yard chores and then I am done for the year. Now that I am almost done, the backyard grass is mostly all green again due to it's new sprinkler, but the front is still half dead. Interesting that the dead part starts in a perfect line where the cast shadow of the roof ends, I'm thinking that it is not grass for full sun and has nothing to do with sprinklers or water. Next year I am going to plant one of those old roses I love in part of the dead grass section, forget grass, it is a pain.
I bought a super warm coat on super, super sale. It was a great deal, but hard to think about if I like it or not, as I am trying it on when it is 100 degrees outside. Super warm coats make everyone look like a round puff ball anyway, unless you are a six foot super model, and I guess if you are cold enough you don't care.
My prediction is that my boss quits by Friday. You heard it here.