Bikes have really changed. They are much more complicated. I just wanted a 3 speed cruiser bike, but the only one they had on sale in my size was pink. I looked at a one speed cruiser, a 15 speed used, and a 15 speed new. The 15 speeds had big tred tires, not like the thin tires I remember on my 10 speed. The new 15 speed had shock absorbing seat and handlebars, which seemed overkill to me until I rode it. I asked a lot of questions and rode some bikes, but I couldn't buy anything. I am going to ask my neighbor what she rides and if she can get up the hill at Americana from the greenbelt without more than one speed. Being able to ride along the greenbelt and then get home is the objective, since most of it you cannot see from a car.
I spent the rest of the day cooking and cleaning while the cats enjoyed the backyard.

As you can see, I did not mow the grass yet.
Thursday night I got my hair cut and met some friends afterwards, and last night I went to the Watercolor Society Annual reception and awards ceremony. I know I am supposed to be happy to just be in the show, but I did not win any award and did not get selected for the traveling show and I was super disappointed and left after the awards part. They had a guest judge, Sterling Edwards from Missouri, who calls himself self-taught and "a contemporary watercolor master." There were some winners that did portraits, which were nice, so I can't say he didn't like my subject matter, but there were some winners that were just plain political and their work was terrible. Amazing how they can bring in a guest judge all the way from Missouri to pick the same political favorites. To top it off, the print of my painting in the program is just terrible.
I got home and spent a few hours in "what does my life mean and why am I here" depression, asking, God, what do you want from me? I guess I was just hoping for some positive reinforcement, some recognition, and some extra money.
I got a good night's sleep, shared about it with some friends this morning, and spent most of the day in and out of the sun with the door and the windows open and now I am mostly over it. I figured a bike ride would have really helped, which is why I went to look at bikes.
I was forewarned that my Harley-riding, karaoke-singing neighbors have a crayfish bake every Memorial Day weekend. My neighbors say that they warn/invite the neighborhood in advance, but last weekend the invite and the bake and the karaoke-singing never happened. That was a relief. Today I listened to their music all day and lots of yelling, but they were so drunk and yelling at 7 pm that by now they must be sleeping it off and quiet.
Tomorrow I am going to check out the Art & Roses show at the Julia Davis Memorial Rose Garden where my friend is having a booth. It is supposed to be timed with the roses blooming, but I don't think the roses will put on much of a show this year. The Botanical Garden is open until dusk now on Tuesdays and Fridays and I have been trying to go, but it has been gloomy or raining every Tuesday and Friday since they started the summer hours. Maybe this week.
I received a few more reject letters and emails for jobs I applied for before I got the one I have and a low score on a State job I applied for recently. I also still get emails from the local jobs website, but there has been hardly anything on them in the last few months. This made me grateful that I have a job at all. No numbers or news articles need to tell me how bad it is out there. Now I am taking a break from job applying. I have had enough rejection for one lifetime and I am going to have a fun summer.
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