These are compliments of some Idaho Statesman readers. The lightning started a few fires in the foothills and shocked some guy looking at the storm while holding his metal screen door. People are still talking about the show.
The rain that came with the lightning half filled in Cruiser's tunnel under the fence, so only Spit could get out until Saturday morning when Cruiser had time to work on it some more. Saturday morning I heard the sound of cat fight and went out in my pajamas to find Cruiser paying back Pierre for 5 months of teasing. Cruiser is a big cat and Pierre is half his size and Pierre was cowering. This confrontation pleased Cruiser so much that he slept quietly for the rest of the day.

This is a close up of the flower on my street tree, it looks orchid-like,

I went out to dinner with Mary Kay last night to the Thai restaurant down the street that more than one person has recommended. Next door is the Navaho Room, which appears to be a seedy bar, and last night we walked up to a girl sprawled passed out on the sidewalk with two guys trying to revive her. Mary Kay is a nurse, so we had to wait to make sure she didn't need to help and then the ambulance drove up. They woke the girl up with smelling salts and then she started to heave and maybe have a seizure and I told Mary Kay that we should go in and eat before watching the girl throw up made us loose our appetite. I'm not much of a nurse, but I'm not a looky-loo either.
The Thai restaurant was pretty good and really nice inside and that whole strip mall down the street cracks me up. There is a smoke shop, a noodle place that looks more like a grown your own plants from cuttings store, the Navaho Room seedy bar, the Thai restaurant, the bowling alley, the Bosnian market, the Sewer District office, the Asian market, and soon the local theater. The Navaho Room is one of those seedy bars with no windows to see inside, every neighborhood seems to have one, in Simi my neighborhood had Judge Roy Beans. Sarah says the bowling alley is really nice inside and also has pool tables.
Mary Kay had an extra bike that she let me borrow and she brought it over for me this afternoon,

I had to put air in the tires and rode it around enough this afternoon to get the seat adjusted and test the brakes. That is a green alligator that squeaks in lieu of a bell. Hardly anyone wears a helmet here while riding a bike or a motorcycle. I watched two guys Friday night on motorcycles without helmets doing wheelies in the lane in front of me. They did look around first, I wasn't sure if they wanted to see if the cops were around or to check to be sure I was watching.
The lawn is much easier to mow now that the weather is hotter and the grass is not growing like mad. My peas are happy and still blooming, but I lost the jalapeno. You would think jalapenos would like it hot, but one hot day on my patio and that plant gave up. The strawberries are really happy and the cucumber is already getting huge. I'm still not sure if I will get any blueberries, but the plants are really full and green. One thing about Idaho, it is a long wait for that green, but the green is greener, brighter.
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