I couldn't tell if this guy was headed out on vacation or semi-homeless, since he has the cooler and the dog crate in the back of the truck. The wagon looked in pretty good shape, especially since I'm sure it was not built for pulling on streets at 30 MPH.
Last night I drove up Bogus Basin to leave an offering and see the sunset. When I came to Boise on my road trip, I left one offering a day at a good spot. I chose an orange as my offering, so part of my road trip supplies was a large bag of oranges. One spot in Boise that I left an offering was up the road to Bogus Basin. Bogus Basin the ski resort is 16 miles from Boise and I probably went halfway. Where I stopped I could see the whole valley, which is called Treasure Valley, and there happened to be a cairn out on the ledge waiting for my offering.
Since it has been just over a year since my road trip, I've been meaning to go back up and leave another offering as a thank you for the last year, but I was waiting for a good potential sunset and no rain. It took me a while to find the spot and I took some pictures on the way,

And I left my offering with a view of the city of Boise down below,

I'm sure it is not as good of an orange as the one from So Cal that I left last year, maybe I should have left some of my home grown peas, but that would not make a good picture. I picked my way carefully to the cairn, since it was getting dark and it is rattlesnake season, left my offering, and said a thank you for everything I've been given this year and a prayer some people that I love.
I almost can't believe it has been more than a year since I started this adventure.
On my way back downhill, a car had just dropped off two cyclists. I guess the thing to do is have someone drive you up Bogus Basin and drop you off so you can fly downhill on your bike. I passed a few cyclists actually riding themselves uphill, but not nearly as many as I saw flying down it. Of the two cyclists dropped off right in front of me, one flew downhill at close to 40 MPH and the other one wouldn't go over 25. That left me stuck behind him and unable to pass, which I'm sure he found as annoying as I did. I finally passed the 25 MPH guy, but I never caught the 40 MPH guy and he was waiting at the bottom of the hill when I got there.
Margo wants to go camping. I told her that I would love to go, but confessed that whenever I have been camping, someone else has been in charge with all the stuff. I just help pick out food. So, we are having an "introduction to camping" this Sunday night. That's where we bring what we have and think we need and do a short practice camping that shows us everything we forgot. If it turns out to be a disaster, we come home and get an ice cream and sleep in our own beds. Margo has somebody's property near Idaho City where we can go, so we won't be out with the holiday crowd, no beer, no loud music, no ATVs.
Who knows what celebration the Harley-riding karaoke singer has in store for the 4th, he has actually been pretty quiet the last few weeks, but I would like to miss at least part of it.