Cruiser made me wish I come back in my next life as a cat with a great owner like me.
A local community theater, that my neighbor suggested last year as a place to go, found a permanent home down the street. They will not move there until next year, but it cracks me up that next year I could walk a block to go to the theater, here in back woods town Boise, Idaho. I am going to go to their production next month of "Always…Patsy Cline.” This is a musical that includes 27 Patsy Cline songs, including “Crazy,” “I Fall to Pieces,” “Sweet Dreams,” and “Walking After Midnight.” I love Patsy Cline. I used to have a CD of her greatest hits, or was it a tape? I think someone borrowed it and didn't give it back.
Thursday night I have two paintings in a show called "We Art Women." It is just a one night fundraiser event for the Women's and Children's Alliance of Boise, but they accepted the "Cowboys" study and the "Hawthorn Berries" and I'm counting it as a networking event. I do not think I will participate again, the art is for sale with a percentage going to the charity, they are selling food, beer, and wine, and they are asking for a $20 tax deductible donation at the door. I think that is way over the top to ask people for that kind of a "donation" and then expect them to buy their food and drinks and then buy art, too.
The second person in two days told me that they are about to walk away from their house. I am shocked that it has been almost three years since I sold mine in a short sale and the housing problem is worse. I am grateful that I got mine sold, since the people I'm hearing today have no hope of selling theirs, and I am grateful to have some experience in this area to share.
Mom sent me a new Summer shirt. Thanks, Mom! In another week I should be able to wear it.
I am trying to pretend that this is the last week I will be unemployed and I should take advantage of it, but this does not seem to be working. I did do my taxes today. I owe the State of California $4 and the Feds owe me almost a $1000 refund! Only problem is that the Feds will take my refund and apply it to what I still owe for past years. It was a big relief not to owe taxes I can't pay for a change.
The State of California administrative law judge sent my unemployment denial letter. I was not surprised, since the appeal phone call did not go well. I wish that judge and the County HR rep that was part of the phone call the first hand opportunity to find out how much it costs to live in an apartment in California. My point was that the financial hardship of an increased mandatory retirement deduction of $255 per month was my good cause for quitting my job, but in my appeal I added that I felt I was unable to promote due to discrimination. I did feel that, but I wish that I had just let that go and left my Ventura County experience behind me. When the judge asked the County HR rep how much a one bedroom apartment would cost in Oxnard, I knew the call was a waste of time. The County HR rep thought a one bedroom apartment in Oxnard would cost $800 to $900. Really? If there is such a thing, would he feel comfortable with his single daughter living there by herself? It is amazing that I could not get by on a decent salary in California, but it is true. It is amazing that someone with five years of experience and a Master's degree cannot promote above an hourly employee and I do not really understand why, but that is true, too. I wish I was not so desperate in February to appeal the unemployment denial, because now I am worrying about other people's opinion of me and that is out of my control.
On a final note, AMC's "The Killing" is pretty good. AMC is doing really well with their series, but I was going to avoid this one because it seemed too dark. Considering how I'm feeling lately it seemed like a good idea to stay away from anything dark. I started to watch a repeat of the premier and noticed that it is based on a Danish series and even though it is set in Seattle, it has that moody, bleak, quiet tone that is purely Scandinavian, which I like. I have no idea who killed Rosie Larsen, but there are 10 more episodes to go and I am hooked.
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