Vital Statistics sent a no thank you letter last week with a bit of a weird reason. The agency that I interviewed with for two jobs sent a no thank you email last Friday afternoon.
Thursday night I called the Department of Labor guy and I talked to him Friday morning about the issues I think I may have with my references. I think I may meet with him again to show him my reviews, but he mostly provided a much needed pep talk. I provided copies of my reviews in lieu of references, but I did that in a hurry, so I did not read them. Once I read them on Friday, I realized there are some issues with those, too. I called the people that sent me no thank yous and left messages asking if they could let me know what I could do better or differently. Then I went into a spin.
I realize my experience at my last job really was as bad as I thought and I'm thinking these last jobs I interviewed for may have been more of the same. I learned there are some issues with my references. I'm hoping that is to let me know that is an issue and to fix it before that right job comes up. My work experience over the last ten years looks like a steady downhill career slide and I thought about how I am going to make that stop.
So, I went out on Saturday morning with a pretty bad attitude. For the last few weeks, I have been asking for a guide to help me follow up on that soul retrieval. I am starting to feel lost about why I am here in Idaho and how that relates to my career path. So, Saturday morning, there she was. I'm not going to get into that experience now, and I am still sorting out what I heard, but let me tell you, if you are asking for something or praying for an answer, you can still hear it even when you have a really bad attitude.
In the middle of this experience, I went to Boise's Saturday market that started up again yesterday,

The Market is two blocks in a T with a big circular courtyard at one end. In the courtyard are the arts and crafts booths, which are mostly the same as ones I saw at Art in the Park last September. I bought Mom and Dad's Christmas presents at Art in the Park from the same ceramics guy. The Market starts at 9:30 and I was there around noon and the pie lady was sold out. The local honey booth was also sold out of everything but the $34 gallon jugs, so I will go back next week and get there early. They also had cinnamon honey, and wow, that sounded really good. With the washboard and the baby in tow, the singing couple made me feel like it was 1934.
The We Art Women reception was last Thursday and I went and stayed for an hour or so, but it really was not my crowd. When I first got there, I ran in to a photographer that I met at the Eagle gallery. When I first got to The Market, I ran in to her again. I told her we must have some common purpose, but in the meantime, she was the one that suggested where to take a picture that might show off the size of The Market. Not too long before I left the We Art Women reception I met another woman that introduced herself. The artists in the show were wearing badges and it turns out she and I were the only landscape artists, and the only not-modern artists, in the show. She thought the other landscape artist might be me because I was wearing a cotton turtleneck. I guess modern artists don't wear cotton turtlenecks, not flamboyant enough. She and her husband are also recently here from California and we exchanged numbers.
Today I have Artist Way homework and I have to go back and read all the writing I did almost every day since last December. Fortunately, this goes perfectly with the work the guide gave me yesterday. Weird, eh?
I do not know what is in store, but my feelings of fear and desperation are gone for today.
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