My neighbor was out planting for Spring last weekend and reminded me to disconnect the garden hose. There is still a chance of freezing and connected hoses have a way of exploding. When I planted the blueberry, I realized I needed a hose, but I thought it was late enough in the year to leave it connected. I disconnected it Sunday evening, before I forgot, and this week we promptly had a few nights below freezing. When I left for the Meridian job club on Tuesday morning, the dreaded temperature light was back on in my car.
Boise had two bright sunny days this week, although it was colder than when it was raining, and I took the opportunity on the first one to mow the back lawn. About half of the lawn was getting too tall to mow and I did not want to go through what I did last summer when had to mow the back lawn three times one afternoon because it was so tall. Today is another bright sunny day again, but still cold, and I tackled the front yard. The front yard did not need mowing, but was full of weeds and dropped seed pods.
It has been a week of synchronicity and I am honestly really tired.
The woman that did not hire me for DDS called me back and confirmed what I thought about my performance reviews. She said next time do not provide the one with comments all about how I do not get along with my coworkers. That review was years ago and I forgot that it included some comments that today do not seem justified. I was glad to have the chance to explain those comments and she said I have two good reviews to provide and to just provide those. She said in the end the competition was really tough for that job and I got the impression I came in second. Since my one reference that did call back was all about an art job, she asked about me as an artist. I thought I was the only artist on the planet with a Masters in Public Administration. Turns out that I am not. She gave me the name of someone that she completed her MPA program with that is also an artist and works in the City of Boise Arts and History Department. I called her and we are going to have coffee on Monday.
The Executive Director and Development Director at Ronald McDonald House shot down my painting idea already. It seems like a theme that my work always appeals to the everyman types, but I can never get past the directors. After I brought up Ronald McDonald House last night though, one of my friends said she had a job opening referral for a job at Ronald McDonald House, which she sent to me. I sent an email to my new contact asking about how to apply.
Last Saturday I met someone I thought could help me find a follow up to the soul retrieval I did last year. When I met her there was a workshop going on upstairs called "Your Call to Be Peacemaker and Social Healer" with James O'Dea. She was talking about spiritual healing and pointing upwards to the workshop upstairs and I suddenly felt she had an answer to my question. Really, how many people can you ask what to do as a follow-up to a soul retrieval? I have not done my homework for that yet, I had a busy week, but she invited me to a class on TAT in someone's home that I went to yesterday morning.
TAT stands for Tapas Acupressure Technique and was developed by Tapas Fleming. It is pretty simple. It is not tapping, everyone I talk to about it thinks it is tapping. Tapping is the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT.
I was glad to be at this class with someone knowledgeable, someone that I could talk to about my reservations afterward, because there was a good amount of opinion and uses I thought were irresponsible. The actual technique is very simple and I would not pay much to learn it, but I strongly believe that it should not be done without a guide. I don't mean a guide to help you do the technique, I mean a guide to help you deal with the results. In the class there was also some conversation about applying the technique towards others because quantum physics says we are all one energy. I do not think anything in quantum physics encourages you to play God. I am responsible for my own energy and other people will react to that energy in kind, changing other people's energy or spiritual path is not my business.
After the class my guide and I went to lunch. During lunch she was showing me how she uses a pendulum to see and change her energy, and it was on the table. As we were about to leave, a waitress walked over and picked it up to check her energy because her mother recently died. We talked about Lynne McTaggart being here on May 5th. This waitress left and told our original waitress about Lynne McTaggart and she came back to ask us about it. Turns out she has been visited by people from the other side since she was a kid. Am I in Idaho?! I felt like I was in some spiritual center of the universe spreading positive energy and support.
I am generally skeptical of anything that appears New Age. Something starts as spiritual and then ego intervenes and makes it something different. A good example is James Arthur Ray, who took a valid Native American spiritual tool, the sweat lodge, and twisted it into a New Age moneymaker, used it naively and irresponsibly, and killed people. I prefer a spiritual program with no leaders, no experts, just trusted servants and some more experienced than others.
Spreading positive energy is exhausting. I came home and slept all afternoon, and went to The Artists Way. I got to talk about my synchronicity this week and initiate some more when I talked about Ronald McDonald House and found out about the job there. My friends reminded me that just two weeks ago anyone talking about synchronicity just pissed me off.
Today I took a break and just sent some follow up emails. I received a no thank you letter from the Idaho Commission on the Arts. They say they will keep my resume on file and I think I will take the opportunity to send them my new one for their files, since I am very sorry I did not fix mine until after I sent that application. Now I'm ready, good resume, sorted out references. A very old friend used to say, opportunity will come, you just have to be ready.
Anyone that has known me for more than a few years knows I always have a problem with a noisemaker neighbor. Some places I moved into peace and quiet and then in moved the noisemaker. One of these times it was a couple with a screaming dog. As soon as the couple left, the dog started screaming, and that's not whining, it was screaming. I had never heard anything like it. The animal control guy said it was separation anxiety. Sometimes the noise is not the neighbor's fault, but due to a design flaw. Although my upstairs neighbor in Thousand Oaks never sat down, he was walking around on a paper thin floor and that was not his fault. I lived in an apartment in Vegas where my neighbor's garage was under my bedroom. Every morning I would wake up with a start to the noise of the garage door opening underneath me and just as I was about to fall asleep again, woken up again to the sound of the garage door closing. Sometimes my neighbor forgot something and we would do this twice. My house in Simi Valley was mostly really quiet and the noisy neighbor did not last long. He was a drug dealer with a fascination with fireworks. All it took was one police visit to a fireworks party and that guy was moving out.
This is the first time ever that I said something to a noisy neighbor about the noise and they actually changed. My Harley-riding, karaoke-singing neighbor has only had the music on a few times in the last few weeks and has noticeably turned down the volume. He does seem to be big on Friday night parties and for tonight's party they set up the karaoke machine and the kids were playing with it. According to my neighbors, this is a regular summer thing. Hmmm.