I thought that Sacajawea looked very strange so over sized and with such a big head. Anyway, that is the cross all lit up on top of Table Rock in the background. Trying to take these pictures inspired Kimber to get a new camera.
Yesterday morning when I went to the store it was 13 degrees. Right now it is 9 degrees. I went out to meet some friends yesterday at noon, but they could not convince me to go out last night. Even at noon yesterday it was too cold to stand in the shade and talk, forget about going out once it gets dark and driving around with all of the amateur drunk drivers. I stayed in and did my inventory, a gratitude list, my goals for 2011, and watched Black Swan.
I figured I would rather end the year with the Black Swan than start the year with it. I'm still not sure if the movie was about schizophrenia or a dancer becoming too much the part. Barbara Hershey played Natalie Portman's mom and I kept wondering what happened to Barbara Hershey's face? Her collagen lips are trimmed down, but her chin is all lumpy. It was another well acted, well crafted film, but very dark.
It was fun to do an inventory on a good year for a change. The dramatic change in my life and myself in a year is remarkable to me. My very favorite part of the year was July with Dad at his ranch. One of my goals for 2010 was to finish 12 paintings and I completed that goal in the month of July alone. In the year, I painted 25 paintings, although most of them were studies. I learned to enjoy painting landscapes, which I did not used to like. I learned how to change my life and move in a planned, thoughtful manner, rather than as running away. I learned how to make new friends while still cherishing the old ones. My friend overheard a conversation I had yesterday and afterward she described me as tactful. Tactful! Me? Ah, that is progress. I am not going to put everything down again here, but it was a wonderful year.
After the inventory, I wrote a gratitude list. Again, this is easy to do after writing an inventory on a good year. I remember the times I wrote a gratitude list and could barely think of anything to write, so I just kept writing the same things over and over again.
Then I wrote a list of 2011 goals and a separate list of 2011 wishes. The 2011 goals list is awfully long, although many of the things on it are simple, and getting an income tops the list. I think that it is interesting that I looked at my goals/wishes list for 2010 and I could not see any indication of anything that I ended up changing in 2010. I think at that time I was so beaten down with all of the hard things I went through that I was afraid to hope for anything in particular. I suppose knowing when to find acceptance, when to try harder, and when to walk away is always a dilemma.
I am off to Kimber's this afternoon for our year-end inventory workshop and a few more hours of holiday eating, then the sugar-fest is over.
Happy New Year to all!
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