Thursday, December 23, 2010


One thing about ants coming in the house en mass is that you can tell where they are coming into the house. I don't have that many, but I keep finding strays in the kitchen and I can't stop them without spraying right on them on the counter or the wall. I can't exactly open a window to remove the ant spray smell, so I am being timid about it and they are still hanging around.

The cats and I are up early, before it is light outside, and the cats like to eat and then go out while it is still dark. This morning the sky was half filled with clouds, but they cleared a ring around the moon so the moon could show through. They must have been clouds full of snow, because they just hung there framing the moon and barely moved.

Mom sent her care package a few weeks ago, but besides that package I did not receive anything else. I've been like a kid on Christmas morning every day this week, checking for the postman and running for the mail and then there is nothing there but a bill and I am crushed. I left California and everyone forgot me! So this afternoon I cleared off the walkway that had become ice covered with snow and quite hazardous. Maybe the postman doesn't want to walk to my door on the ice. Maybe he thinks I'm not home. So that was the ticket! Everything arrived today, another card from Mom, a card from John and Jen with a gift card, my annual Farmer's Almanac calendar from Dad, and movies and a card from Dad. I don't know if I will have time for my usual movie marathon on Christmas Day, but I feel a whole lot better with movies ready.

I am off to an open house down the street and around the corner Christmas Eve and I am delivering Meals on Wheels with Christelle on Christmas morning and then to Mary Kay's for Christmas dinner. Mary Kay might let me bring a pie, so I can bake that Christmas afternoon, maybe while I watch a movie. I actually had to turn down another invite for Christmas dinner.

Despite all my plans, I am still having trouble with Christmas for the same reasons I have had trouble with Christmas for the last 7 years. I am grateful to not be traveling, but I will miss Jen's Christmas eve treat tower, Caitie's admiration of my apple pie, and being showered with Christmas gifts at John and Jen's on Christmas eve like I am 5 years old again. Even though I have movies ready for my Christmas Day movie marathon, it will not be the same without Dad. One year I did not plan a meal and Dad and I drove around Simi Valley on Christmas Day looking for an open restaurant, it never occurred to me that nothing would be open, and we finally found an open pizza restaurant. I think I am a better hostess today.

I went to bed early last night and read a book and Cruiser and Spit sandwiched me under the covers, one pressed against one side at my ribs, one pressed against the other side at my knees, and we were all so warm and comfortable that when I turned out the light all I could do is skooch down a bit so not to disturb them and get my head horizontal on the pillow. This wasn't so comfortable, but I still fell right to sleep.

We never did get snow today, so no new snow for Christmas here. The next enlightenment topic is Work, which is completely inappropriate for Christmas, so I will get back to enlightenment when Christmas is over. Leaving the topic at Mystery for the holidays seems fitting.

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