The cats are annoyed by the tree anyway, it blocks their view. They appear to now be too grown up to play with the low hanging ornaments, which are within easy reach from the side table.
I received a useful link for the National Inflation Association, http://inflation.us/
They include some information that backs up my post from a few days earlier. Please note that this site includes some chilling stuff and that I could not find out exactly who they are (although after reading some articles, I can see why). I added this link to my favorite links, and also realized that I did not add my studio site, so I added that one, too.
My trip to the art store was a disappointment. I suppose it will do for supplies in a pinch and they had cheap acrylics which would be useful if I ever do murals again, but their prices were high and their staff was loud. There was a stressed artist huffing and puffing down the isles and someone with a screaming, unruly kid. I used to spend hours looking at art supplies in the old days, but most of those stores are gone. I bought myself a glittery smiley face pencil, and some new brush cleaner, since the brush cleaner I have is about 30 years old, and left.
Last night I watched my favorite Christmas movie, Love Actually. Some of it is really funny and some of it is really sad, but by the end of the movie when everyone is hugging each other in the airport I am crying over the joy of it. The end is almost as good as the end of Cinema Paradiso, where all the old edited kissing scenes are edited together.
Yesterday I started another study, which I think I will finish today. Today I am going to the bookstore to spend a few hours reading children's books. I used to love spending hours at the bookstore, too, and I hope people leave their screaming kids at home today.
The next enlightenment topic is Visualization with a passage by William James,
"The is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking."
The author does not reference from where he took this passage. William James wrote The Varieties of Religious Experience, which was first published in 1902. I have the book, which is a must read if you want to read about spiritual experiences, but I find it super difficult to read and have not read much of it. Anyway, it is the same idea as in The Secret, which makes the concept simple and accessible. From The Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BC, via The Secret,
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
You would think that being a visual person, this would be easy for me, but it's not. I do not really visualize my work, I plan it well and then let it flow out. I'm always a bit surprised at the result. For me, visualization has helped me change my attitude, but not helped me achieve a goal. Did I visualize myself living in a nice house with a yard and friendly neighbors in Boise, Idaho? Maybe. It seems more like I trudged my way through the necessary steps towards a picture of a simpler, quieter life. Maybe I should visualize myself with an income.
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