Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Back from LA and every time I go back, I like it even less. Ms. Black SUV did not want to let me on the freeway last night, 3 lanes and she can't pick another one or slow down from 80 MPH.

Had lunch and a pedicure with Mom and had nice relaxed feet when I opened the 2 certified letters I received at Mom's from the IRS. Remember never open bad mail until you can deal with it and never, ever, open bad mail before you leave to go do something you need to concentrate on, and do not open it before you do something fun, either. They say I have not made my payment and defaulted on my payment agreement and they threaten a lien on my assets. I do not normally have any assets, but now I have my retirement money that I am about to deposit in the bank! Does the IRS know I suddenly have money? I bet they do. I tried not to think about the part in The Pursuit of Happyness where the IRS drains Will Smith's account and he is now really homeless. I will call them later.

Took more stuff to the storage unit and signed for storage insurance, since my homeowner's insurance ended last Monday. I edited the stuff I have here at Dad's and made another box to add to storage, since I will never get what I have here in that small car. Bought another box specially for the croquet set and then it did not fit. I have a tournament quality set that I have not used in years, but maybe in Boise I will finally have a croquet yard. Put the set in my car today to disassemble at Dad's, then it will fit in the box! I took an inventory of what is left in Mom's garage and I mostly have it all. She still has several boxes of Lauren's stuff, but I am not moving these.

Great to see my Tuesday night women's coffee friends, as great as my vacation is, it is pretty isolated. The only thing that is helping me feel in touch is this blog. Had breakfast with Lani and am taking some of her words for a mantra next week when I go to Boise to rent a place, "I have a feeling everything is just going to work out."

Everything is just going to work out,
everything is just going to work out...

Showed her some of the places I was looking at and she picked her favorite, which is mine, too. I am going to spend a few days arranging appointments in Boise for next Wednesday, making calls and sending applications, so I hope if I am prepared enough I can go look and get something rented and lease signed and key in one trip. Everything is just going to work out, but I still have to do the footwork.

Listened to the music from The Piano in the car this trip and thought about real and fictional stories where the heroine moves and changes her life. Funny, I could not think of stories with the male version of this theme. In The Piano, the heroine, a pianist who at some point stops speaking because someone stopped listening, leaves England for an arranged marriage in New Zealand, where she meets someone (not the husband) and decides to chose life and speak again. Eat, Pray, Love also appears to be coming out as a movie, and then there is Under the Tuscan Sun. Georgia O'Keefe left New York and Alfred Stieglitz for New Mexico. I should read more about Georgia O'Keefe.

Woman with the 9 million property for sale in Montecito is coming this weekend to take a 2nd look at Dad's. I have a feeling everything is just going to work out.

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