My boss and my coworkers decorated my office for my birthday Thursday night. Alyssa convinced my boss that I would not be happy with being greeted by noisemakers when I came to work on Friday morning. Bless her heart. After working next to me for six months, she knows I can barely say hello at 8 am and need to ease in to the workday. They left the noisemakers on my desk.
I have to confess that I had some trouble connecting the new TV and I felt like senility was on it's way. I watched an entire movie in the wrong aspect ratio, why is everyone so short and fat? The connection diagram for the TV is the worst I've ever seen. What is the difference between a component and a composite connection? When did we start having connections with five wires? I only had three. Not only did I watch an entire movie in the wrong aspect ratio, I watched it in black and white. Hey, it was an arty movie, could be black and white anyway. I put in a movie I knew was in color, nope, no color. In small print: Note! If connections are done incorrectly, it could result in a black and white picture. Then I realize there are more connections on the side of the TV, in addition to the back. Oh, that's why there are both horizontal and vertical diagrams. Good grief. It is all connected now, everyone taller and thinner and in color.
The only mark on my great month is that the buyer of the house next door started remodeling. After the first Sunday of jackhammering, I went over and asked him when he was going to quit, since it was Sunday. He was very apologetic and said they are just doing some minor work on the kitchen and the basement. The following Sunday, and it is snowing mind you, after a few hours of more jackhammerng and sawing, I called the Boise police desk.
The policeman called me back and was really nice. Nope, no construction hours in Boise. The policeman moved here from Oregon into a new house in Meridian. Said he would never buy a new house again, after listening to nine months of construction at all hours. His only suggestion was to call my landlord and ask for a rent discount. Turns out good renters are really hard to find and landlords are having trouble renting out here. I have not called the landlord yet, but that is good information to know.
This week I watched the construction workers next door haul out wheelbarrows full of dirt and a giant piece of concrete, that is still laying in the front yard. Yea, minor construction, the guy appears to be expanding the basement. Wonder if he has a city permit for that? For now, I just tell myself to feel sorry for the guy, anyone stupid enough to buy a house and try to flip it right now is an idiot.
At least this weekend I can get out of the house in the nice weather.
Setting up the TV and more and more of that walking into a room and wondering why I am there is making me feel 50, but I don't think I look it. Just to make me feel young again, I got a pimple for my birthday. Pimples at 50?! That part of youth I did not need to relive. I will post a turning 50 photo when it goes away.
In a month I will probably start a class with that promotion and I am a bit concerned about learning something completely new at 50 while my memory deteriorates. Mom reassures me that more life experience helps make up for memory problems as I relate new things to experience. I hope she is right. At least I will be in class with a guy who is older than me.
My friend sent me seeds for my birthday, so I went and bought a cedar planter frame for myself. My ammo box planters were looking pretty small for much of a vegetable garden. The frame is 4' by 4' and my plan for the weekend is to set it in the backyard. Then I need to ask Sarah how she keeps the animals out, since I could easily have four cats using that super new cat box and digging up my seedlings. My seeds are from mypatriotsupply.com. I told Alyssa about them and seem to have converted her over to preparedness. One of the cans I got is the salsa garden, which made me think I will need to learn how to make tortilla chips, salsa is no good without chips. Then I need to grow corn and learn how to dry it and grind it. (Even at 50, I know how to make life more complicated.) This seems like a lot of work, but then Alyssa reminded me that when my life changes to just being about survival, I will have nothing else to do anyway.
Tonight I am going out to dinner with my friends. It is really nice to be able to afford it for a change.
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