Since Cruiser can no longer follow me around with the hose, he now sits on the counter and watches me do dishes. I do not get the running water fixation. Now when I get home I usually hang my coat on the back of the dining room chair. Under the dining room table is one of the heater vents, and Spit's favorite downstairs spot is underneath the chair between the hanging coat and the heater vent. Neither cat likes it when we start needing the heater, but by now they are used to it.
Tonight I got home and sat at my computer and Cruiser jumped and knocked over my watercolor water jar. He likes to sit in my studio window, and he likes to drink the watercolor water, but he's never knocked anything over before. He spilled the water and the jar broke into a million glass pieces. My studio is starting to feel accident prone. Fortunately the water wasn't dirty and the nearby rock is dry and unharmed, but I was going to finish that rock tonight and the event and the resulting clean up effort took that motivation right out of me.
The doctor and the administrator at the foundation both like the rock, at least in the pictures, here's the link to the foundation:
BSU lost their home game against TSU last Saturday, ending a six year 35 game home game winning streak. They went from standing 5 to standing 10 and lost any chance of playing in a bowl game. People here cried. A freshman kicker missed a 39 yard field goal that would have won the game in the final play, reminding everyone of the kick that lost BSU's game last year against Nevada.
No snow yet, funny that we had 10 inches by now last year and that I can now tell when it is not cold enough to snow.
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