Idaho Fish and Game District Conservation Officer Bill London with the juvenile mountain lion shot and killed by an Ada County Sheriff's deputy early Tuesday morning. The deputy did the right thing because it appears the mountain lion was becoming "habituated" to an urban area, London said.
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This is not too far from my house. Idaho doesn't mess around, unlike those dopes in Glendale that want to keep that coyote family living in an abandoned house because it makes them feel like they are back in nature. Back in nature in Glendale, California, really?
I found this terrifying,
Stop those attacks before they start! If it hasn't started, is it an attack? Guess I better not say anything bad about the sociopath. I understand that there is evil in the world and sociopaths like Hitler. What I do not understand is how they get so many people to go along with them.
Dad sent this about being tracked from your smartphone,
I do not have a smartphone, but there is some useful information at the end of the clip about how to turn GPS tracking off.
Things are getting really scarey out there, if I disappear off of Facebook, do not be surprised. I'm not sure I should keep up this blog. I did not write back to the Idaho Power guy, but if I did I would ask him where is my $47 million cost savings? The Feds matched Idaho Power's $47 million investment with a $47 million grant. That is you the taxpayer's $47 million. What does the taxpayer get for his $47 million? Not jobs, the grant eliminated the meter reader job. Efficiency? Ok, but efficiency leading to lower prices? I have not heard that Idaho Power applied to charge lower rates.
And my last rant, The Heritage Foundation agrees with me that there is no poverty in the US,
The Feds decide what the poverty level is with a dollars per year amount. Where does that dollar amount come from? I'm sure it is very sophisticated, but just like they manipulate all the other data they publish, they can change the criteria to suit their purpose. How about a global poverty level? Then there definitely is no poverty in the US. There is a new panhandling woman at the intersection around the corner from me, she is fat with clean clothes and the first time I saw her she was smoking a cigarette, but then maybe she is doing a good business.
Next Friday is the first day of autumn, but it turned autumn here last Friday. Living in a place that has a real autumn means that it starts pretty much on time and it is funny to me that So Cal probably has another month of summer. I went out in a long sleeve t-shirt on Saturday morning and I was cold. There was the usual commotion at the park, a Frisbee contest this time and I missed the Celtic Festival and Highland Games, which was at Expo Idaho, which reminds me that I miss the sound of bagpipes that used to play across the street.
I am pleased that it is autumn, but my work situation must be really getting to me and I am feeling weary again. I did some drawings, transferred the drawing for Mary Kay's painting onto paper, cleaned the bathtub and set some watercolor paper to soak, but I could not get myself to paint.
I did walk over to the synagog that is just past the Morris Hill Cemetery down the street and got a phone number for the rabbi, so I could ask him some questions about my dream. The synagog is in a small historical building built in 1896. I do not think of Idaho as having many Jewish people, let alone enough to build a temple 115 years ago. Their website says,
"In the 1860's the beginnings of Boise's Jewish Community existed in the early mining camps. As Boise became settled, Jewish people met in private homes to celebrate the Holidays. In 1895, a group of 25 Jewish residents of Boise joined together to form Congregation Beth Israel.
The building which houses Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel today has a long and illustrious history in Boise and the State of Idaho. It is considered the oldest synagogue west of the Mississippi River in continuous use since 1896, the year that it was built. The building, which is a Moorish design was restored and rededicated in 1982."
Go figure.
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