I picked my second cucumber and cut off the first green pepper to throw away because it had a mushy brown spot. Cruiser quickly decided that the green pepper was a cat toy. This distracted him from laying at my feet and wrapping his front legs around my ankle, which seems to be the summer equivalent to laying on the computer desk and putting his head on my hand holding the mouse. I've learned how I can do this vegetable planting better next year, my planters are too shallow and over-planted. The strawberries and the cucumber could have used their own planters, although the peas with green peppers was a good choice, I just should have filled that planter with more dirt.
Blueberries were on sale at the grocery store, 2 pounds for $10. That is a whole lot of blueberries. I bought two pints for $4. I will probably buy a few more pints, since blueberries freeze well, but it is just about raspberry and blackberry season. Yesterday I made blueberry corn muffins, which were great. I usually more blueberries than the recipe calls for and end up with a muffin that is just a vehicle for the blueberries. If I get too many cucumbers I may have to try making pickles.
The automatic sprinkler timer is out for the second time, so I finally called the landlord about fixing it, along with fixing the broken sprinkler. That was two days ago and no call, no fix. I guess it's his lawn that is dying. My friend told me a story about not being able to find sprinkler heads at the home improvement stores, she went to four or five, so for sure I am not going through fixing the sprinkler myself.
It was hot last Sunday and they warned against unhealthy air, which means no leaf burning, for Sunday and Monday. By Monday I had a weird headache and muscle aches. One of the muscle aches moved around from mid-back to shoulder blade, so I think that has more to do with the Tibetan Rites, released negative energy unable to find a place to land.
Last weekend was a free concert at Ann Morrison Park, including Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and MC Hammer. 700,000 showed up, that is about one third of the population of Boise, one of the 700,000 was not me. I went to the Post Office nearby at 9:30 in the morning on Saturday and people were already milling around trying to find a place to park. I could have walked there from my house, but I avoided the park instead. There was also a Goddess festival at Julia Davis Park, I didn't go to that either, but I think it's funny that they had one in Boise at all.
I am really looking forward to my upcoming short vacation and practicing keeping my serenity at work, which is really a challenge. It is weird watching so much unhealthy behavior and the whirling dervish sitting next to me. What is all the spinning for? What is your mind running from? I try to stay separate from it and let the negative energy pass by, but sometimes I grab hold of it for a while and start to get really irritated. I tell myself this is good practice for something, but I don't know what.
Maybe it is practice staying separate from the impending economic collapse and the chaos to follow. I read something with someone worrying that a government shutdown would cause a Depression, da, we are already in a Depression. Great Depression has already been used, will they call this the Great Collapse?
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