I originally started this blog to stay in touch with my friends during my move, although it also turned into other things. I like having a record of my spiritual and creative journey, sometimes I include an Idaho travel log or things to do in Boise, and I know that reading it makes my Mom feel like I am not so far away. Sometimes I digress into politics, but I try to keep the focus on me. It is not my intention to reveal anyone else's feelings or secrets.
I wrote yesterday about what was at one point my daughter's stock and I wrote about it partly to reassure my Mom that I have not hit financial disaster and partly because it parallels my recent effort to generate some positive financial energy for myself. I picked some positive images of what abundance and success mean to me and I wondered if I walked around with those if they would come back to me. (Same concept as The Secret.)
I want to publish a few details about that stock, for the record. Dad and I have been struggling about what to do with that stock for 5 years. Last Summer when I stayed at the ranch we talked about it again and agreed to transfer the stock to me to "keep the door open" between my daughter and I. I tried not to define what "keep the door open" meant, but based on what I read, I had no intention to leave it in the stock market. Originally my Dad thought transferring the stock out of a minor's account would require the minor's signature. It turned out that it did not. No one did any forging of signatures. In my last conversation with my Dad, he told me not to think of it as Lauren's money. My conscience is clear. That's enough of that topic.
Katherine Albertson Park does not allow dogs from 3/1 to 6/30 due to nesting season, so yesterday I went to the park to see how the nests were coming and enjoy the absence of dogs.

While I was there, a few of the pairs of geese made an incredible honking racket, but I could not figure out what the fuss was about. It wasn't me, they were carrying on long before they could see me and I wasn't near any nests.

The ducks were sleeping in couples, but I could not see a nest.
The next topic for enlightenment is Love's energy, with a poem by Pierre Tielhard de Chardin,
"Someday, after we have mastered
the winds, the waves, the tides,
and gravity, we shall harness for God
the energies of love.
Then for the second time in the history
of the world, man will have discovered fire."
Since the concept of love is so distorted in the West, varied in other cultures, and non-existent in Buddhism, as a topic I'm changing it to Positive Energy, or maybe Well-directed Positive Energy. Imagine all human positive energy used and well directed for good, that is equivalent to discovering fire. Imagine all the energy that you spend on judgement, revenge, anger, hate, gossip, and drama and applying it to something positive, loving, or compassionate. I'm not sure if Chardin intended this to sound impossible, as mastering the winds and the waves is impossible, and I do not agree with the word "harness", which implies control. I think positive energy is something I can choose to be, something God wants me to be, without a harness.
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