Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snow and Sun

It snowed almost all day yesterday. Mary Kay came and picked me up and took me out for coffee before noon. By then it was around 30 degrees outside and it felt warm! It stopped snowing long enough in the late afternoon for me to go out and shovel snow off my front walkway. It didn't necessarily need it, but I was a bit stir crazy even with my coffee outing. It started to snow again while I was outside shoveling and talking to Sarah, big light fluffy snowflakes. I felt like I was standing in a postcard.

I am getting used to the cold, but winter in the cold sure takes a lot of decisions. If I decide I need my boots, then I need to decide which door I am going out of so I don't track stuff around the house. I get dressed and then move the boots to the right door so that they are the last thing I put on. Then I gather up everything else I need to go out near the boots so it is within reach after I put my boots on. Do I need two layers under my coat? If I wear two layers, or if it is snowing, then I need to wear the red coat. Which coat do I need? Do I need the light gloves or the leather ones or the warmest ones? Do I need a hat? Which scarf matches the outfit and the coat? Throughout this process I also have the, what did I wear the last time these people saw me? Then when I'm out I have to keep track of all of this stuff. I am that person that really needs those gloves that string together through their coat, although keeping track is easier here since all I need is my cold hands to remind me to check for my gloves.

Then, also because of the boots, I need to think about what else should I do outside once I have my boots on. Take out the trash, get the mail? I've had times where I put my boots on and went out the back door, took out the trash, came back in and then realized I did not get the mail, so I take them off, walk them across the house to the front door, put them on, and go out to get the mail. Then there is the boot puddle that gets left on the floor as the snow melts off your boots. If you move the boots, you must immediately clean up the puddle, or you are guaranteed to step in it later while wearing your clean dry socks.

Today was clear and sunny. I went to the grocery store early and the streets and the parking lot were still covered in several inches of snow. No worries about parking in the parking space, no one can see the lines, just park anywhere. Pushing a grocery cart in snow was an interesting experience. I learned my car has yet another warning light, letting me know my tires have no traction. Yea, thanks, that helps a lot. So far, I've only seen it blink on for a second until the tires find traction, but gee, I sure knew I did not have traction without the light!

Then a group of us went to see the Festival of Trees. This is a charity event where local organizations decorate a Christmas tree to be auctioned. Everyone wants to take the new guy that has never been. The trees were impressive, but the wreaths decorated with hand drawn ornaments by 1st graders were the best. Even though it is warmer, I am glad the event was indoors. Next week-end it's Winter Garden Aglow at the arboretum and that is outside, at night.

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