Monday, February 7, 2011

Painting Struggles and EDD

Today was one of Idaho's most beautiful Winter days. The sky was half clouds, half blue, and this morning it rained, then snowed, then rained again, and this afternoon we got tiny hail. Snowing while the sun is out is amazing.

It does not seem much warmer to me, but the cats want to go out all the time now. Maybe the neighbor's cats are out more and both cats need to stake their claim on their yard. The neighbor's grey cat was in our yard a few nights ago and both cats were standing at the back door watching. Spit was keeping track by moving from door to window and back to door, and Cruiser was making a noise I've never heard him make before, it honestly sounded like a yodel.

My call with the CA EDD was this morning between 8 and 10 am. I did not realize until close to 8 that that meant 8 California time, or 9 am my time. The woman that called was really nice and took a long time answering my questions. To be eligible for unemployment I just have to have good cause for quitting my job or not have been fired or laid off for misconduct. Here's the section of the California Unemployment Insurance code:

1256. An individual is disqualified for unemployment compensation
benefits if the director finds that he or she left his or her most
recent work voluntarily without good cause or that he or she has been
discharged for misconduct connected with his or her most recent
An individual is presumed to have been discharged for reasons
other than misconduct in connection with his or her work and not to
have voluntarily left his or her work without good cause unless his
or her employer has given written notice to the contrary to the
department as provided in Section 1327, setting forth facts
sufficient to overcome the presumption. The presumption provided by
this section is rebuttable.

I made it clear in my exit interview with the County that I could not afford to make the additional retirement contribution of over $300 per month that was starting in July and still live in California. I explained to the EDD rep how I looked for cheaper housing, but she lives there and I did not have to explain that much. I consider that good cause. Funny, even the EDD rep asked me why I chose Idaho. Next she calls my employer.

When I got fired from my last video game job and filed for unemployment, my employer tried to get EDD to deny my claim by saying I was discharged for misconduct. (He was a cheap SOB.) EDD must not have given it any credibility, because I did not have any delays in my claim and I only learned about the dispute later. When I looked back at my call with the EDD rep that time, I thought she sounded amazed when I told her I was not given a reason for being fired. Private employers are allowed to do that, fire you for no reason, but they are not allowed to make up another reason for EDD later and deny your unemployment claim to save a few bucks.

I got half way through another painting and don't like this one either. I learned something about landscape and color on this one, but I think I am in the middle of some kind of artist growth or change thing, so I am moving on to something completely different. This week I will take an artist road trip to Ketchum or McCall and get some more snow pictures while it is still Winter.

From Ketchum's city website and their "Take a Hike ad campaign":

We offer your employees clean air, pristine mountains, immediate access to stellar trails, streams, and world class skiing. We also have excellent schools and a vibrant arts community.
• We also afford your brand the panache of an authentic mountain town.
• The cost of relocating has never been less.
The Economics? Idaho’s per capita taxes, property taxes, electricity
costs and crime rate are all lower than Oregon, Washington and California.

You don't hear the word panache used to refer to Idaho very often, but Ketchum is right next to Sun Valley.

For the last two Sundays I got stuck behind the same royal blue Porsche 911 Carrera. The first time it was raining and the Porsche was going super slow. If you are going to drive a new Porsche 911 Carrera in Idaho at any time of year, you might as well get a matching sign that says, I'm an idiot. This is the Flying Grit State, don't you know? But if you insist on having that Porsche in Idaho, you have to at least be able to afford to put it away for Winter.

Another failed painting made me depressed and waiting for the EDD call made me anxious. I will finish my letter of interest for the Arts Commission tomorrow and take it over in person in the morning. I just wasn't up for it today and I want to give my letter one more look when I am in a better mood.

I did get a commission, though, through Mom. Mom is my biggest, and my most successful, promoter.

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