Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year?

Tuesday morning I woke up to the first snow, just in time to go to work in it. There was about an inch of snow and everyone drove in a crawl. It was pretty scarey actually. I have to sit in the median to make a left turn into a side street to work and even on a regular day, oncoming traffic tends to veer into the median and want to side-swipe me. I don't know if drivers are still half asleep or if this is some kind of sport, but it is even more terrifying when oncoming traffic cannot see the lanes.

The snow melted by Tuesday afternoon and then we had a heat wave with rain. Last night I left work and there was a long ominous swirl of clouds flying in from the west, wish I could have taken a picture, and I just made it home ahead of the pounding thunder, lightning, and hail. I love the weather here, but I will be in So Cal this week and it is hard for me to comprehend that the low temperature there will be ten degrees warmer than the high temperature here. I'm dreaming about sitting on a sunny patio in a t-shirt.

Mary Jane's farm sent me a coupon for a free issue, how did they know?

The Mayan Calendar countdown started this month, the countdown to December 21, today's long count is and we countdown to Interesting that 13 is a hugely symbolic number. Here are some of the symbolic meanings of the number 13, from,

- Number that cleans and purifies.
- The number 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on a higher level of existence.
- For the superstitious, this number brings the bad luck or the misfortune.
- For the cabalist, the number 13 is the meaning of the Snake, the dragon, Satan and the murderer. But it is also for Christians the representative number of the Virgin Mary, she whose mission is to crush the head of Satan.
- Number in relation with the cross and also to the family, since by reduction we obtain four: 1 + 3 = 4.
- It is the element of too, that which makes pass from a cycle to another with what this change implies of anxieties by the arrival of a new unknown cycle.
- Represents the eternal love illustrated by Jacob and his twelve son, Jesus-Christ and his twelve apostles.
-If we represent 12 under the form of the Zodiac, 13=12+1 is the number of the eternal return. The 13th hour is also the first, just like the 25th or the 37th.

I seem to be feeling a bit aimless. It is time for my 2011 inventory and it seems like after a great deal of activity in 2010, 2011 was about getting and keeping a job. If my journey to Idaho is a spiritual journey, 2011 seemed like a year forcing me to slow down and look at what that means to me.

I love it that I have nice neighbors to house-watch and feed cats. They are bowling tonight down the street for New Years Eve Cosmic bowling, which sounds pretty fun, and even better that they can walk there and back. Boise drivers may have a good reputation, but they were all driving like they were drunk already at one this afternoon.

A better recap of 2011 and a more focused 2012 when I get back.

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