Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Trying to Snow

Some tips from a farm girl in training, do not bother picking the last of the green peppers when they are small, homemade butter only lasts for a few weeks, and save grass cuttings and dry them during the summer. I was picking the last of the green peppers pretty small, under 4" maybe, trying to be sure I caught them before it froze, don't bother with this because these peppers are bitter. I do not have a grass catcher, so I piled up grass in a side corner of the backyard and spread it out so it could dry. This makes a good cover for the strawberry plants in winter, should be just as good as the recommended hay. What is it exactly in store-bought butter that makes it last so long? Makes me wonder.

It was windy, windy for Boise, for two days on Tuesday and Wednesday, which blew away much of the fall leaves and fall feels over. The weekend was beautiful and warm, but the week started cold and with the wind it felt even colder. The weatherman predicted a chance of snow for today, but first thing this morning it seemed too warm. Boise is the only place I've lived where the weather can be so different from morning to afternoon. I drove home from work while it was snowing. I don't know if there will be enough this weekend to stay on the ground, but I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

The cold weather killed off the over abundance of flies and lack of food, flies, seems to be thinning out the spiders. Two weeks ago Sarah and I noticed the sides of our houses were covered with a black and red flying beetles that sat on my window screens and flew in the house for two weeks, but the cold has just about put an end to those, too.

There were not enough leaves to rake last weekend, but most of the leaves on my street tree fell this week, and if snow falls tonight on this week's fallen leaves it will be just like last year. Last year no one had a chance to rake their leaves before snow fell on them and most ended up just leaving them alone to deal with in the spring.

At the end of October I went to the DMV on my lunch hour to pay my car registration, since I out it off too late to mail it. I waited the usual 30 seconds, paid my $68, and left with my stickers. Oh yea, I'm in Idaho.

My new boss moved my office today, one cube over and away from the spinning top, and she took all the reasons for the move as her own. She used such an amazing use of tact that I am still in awe.

The BSU football is still undefeated this year and faces UNLV tomorrow. Already after only a few months in the Mountain West Conference they are now awaiting an invitation from the Big East Conference just for football and other sports teams will be in another league. Once they joined Mountain West, Utah and BYU left, and TCU announced it is leaving in 2012. BSU keeps chasing stiffer competition and the competition keeps leaving. You have to pay attention to BSU football to live in Boise.

Last night I went to an AA business meeting for my last night as fill-in secretary. My sponsor is the chair and she asked me to help out to the end of her term and be secretary. I haven't talked to her in a month, since the last meeting, and I got an email earlier this week thanking me for my service and asking me to get the minutes done as soon as possible for last night's meeting so she could change names on the bank account. My feelings were hurt when I went to the meeting and she was busy when I got there, except to say hey and ask me if I got her email about the minutes. I waited around after the meeting and she was busy again, so I left and came home to a phone message that goes, I don't know what just happened but I think you should get a new sponsor. Besides feeling hurt again, I am just baffled.

I am supposed to look at my part, but I seem to have regular issues where my part is that my feelings are hurt. After her husband died, my friend, following good advice, sat every morning as part of her morning meditation and had feelings for 10 minutes. I wonder if we should all do this and if there are many circumstances where there is nothing to be done, those are just feelings.

Cruiser and Spit are reluctantly settling in to a winter routine. Cruiser practically gets in to bed before me, and howls for some while you are here anyways pet me attention, but Spit enjoys the downstairs at night by herself. I am trying to remember to turn the heat down at night before I get into bed. It is a real bummer to get all warm in bed and then realize I need to get up and turn the heat down or pretty soon it will get to hot under the covers. I do not understand why 68 degrees feels cold at night but warm by morning. I never turn the heat back up in the morning because I'm not cold.

Cruiser is still after the neighbor's cat Pierre, but the ground is already cold enough to curtail his digging. Spit still avoids Cruiser in the evening when he is getting fired up trying to get to Pierre, but it is cold enough that he is quickly forgiven so they can curl up around each other to keep warm. That is how they are when I leave for work in the morning.

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